Cuz people were still taking advantage of it. I personally don't care and even admit to using it cuz let's face it, some times I'm too lazy. But that don't mean it shouldn't be patched.
The point that I was trying to make was that Bungie, yourself and many others want platforms to be patched because they makes the encounter too easy, or at least alot easier, to complete. And to accomplish this Bungie took the quick and easy way out by immplenting the kill mechanic. In essence they want players to put more thought and effort into beating the raid then they did fixing it. And that could be an ugly trend.
You keep stating the same pointless concern man.
I don't see how asking for more creative solutions to issues with the game is "pointless". I don't know about you, but if my car was damaged, I'd rather have a mechanic fix it with nuts, bolts, wielding and proper part than letting some random guy fix it with gorrilla glue, duct tape, and tin cans. That's all he's saying. Bungie should be putting actual thought into these fixes, not rushing them.
The kill barrier was a sure fire fix (nuts and bolts) trying to stop the exploit with some other fix that could have a way around it could make it exploitable. (Duct tape)
Edited by Orthus: 10/15/2014 3:11:54 PMJacob, Do you believe difficulty based on execution(simon) is better than difficulty based on mastery of game mechanics(dark souls)? Understand one is pure memorization while the other is critical thinking.
What are you talking about?
You called the platform an exploit, which wanted me to ask how do you view the raid. Do you think the raid should only have one solution to overcome the challenges, or do you think the raid should have different solutions based on exploration and mastery of the game mechanics?
Pressing A/X and hiding behind a wall is not mastering game mechanics. The platform was an exploit. You wanna talk mastering game mechanics. Try getting a team with skills that complement each other. When you wanna hide and be safe- defender shield. Don't act like that platform was a tactic.
The platform is tactical use of level design, just like hiding behind any piece of cover. The use of our jumping abilities let us get to that location. Tell me how do you define an exploit? Because the real definition that is found in dictionaries states that exploit is making use of a resource.(he exploited his opponents weakness.)
I get it. You wanna hide behind a wall and never risk taking damage. The reason it's an exploit in gaming definition (unintended, 100% advantage over an enemy) is cuz literally nothing will ever reach you. Hell the Templars shots barley ever make it to the platform.
There are a few problems with that definition is that it is very subjective and all creative us of game mechanics would be classified as exploits until bungie makes their call on the matter, as well as it is a catch-all most likely defined the way it is to ensure all creative use of game mechanics had a negative connotation associated with them. Now that definition is not from any dictionary but rather a book on game design: Developing Online Games: An Insider's Guide Now if we were to use the real definition of exploit that is used in dictionaries( It removes the negative connotation as well as hopefully making the discussion more civil and possibly even bring more thought provoking ideas and rational to the forefront. Hopefully you agree with me that name calling and bashing others is not the best way to have a deep and thoughtful discussion. Especially when talking about developer intent, game mechanics, level design and how it interacts with gameplay. I understand that having that type of art house discussion can be meaningless as the devs will do as they please. However if we could have such a in depth and thought provoking discussion while remaining civil think of how less toxic the community may be. So if I may ask would you like to help lower the toxicity of the forum are try with me to have a in-depth civil discussion regarding game mechanics, level design, gameplay, and developer intent?
I'm not gonna waste my time reading that so you can try justifying crying over a kill barrier.
Edited by Orthus: 10/15/2014 11:31:05 PMIt would behoove you to read what I had typed.
Behoove? I'm not a horse.
Edited by Orthus: 10/15/2014 11:54:31 PMbehoove : to be necessary, proper, or advantageous for'' But I never thought of that when I was ever told something would behoove me.
I know what it means. I'm just being a sarcastic asshole cuz it's obvious your stuck to the idea that fixing this was wrong.
You seem to be in the minority here. It's your opinion to have though. However, I'm sure that in this era of gaming auto kill mechanics that are set in place of creative game design feel archaic to many seasoned gamers who expect their experience to evolve as the years go by. You may think it feels like a real fix, but I feel like it's a bandaid. I'd rather have them react to players being up there than restricting the map they gave us.
If they had ment for the player to go up there and decided it made it too easy and put the kill barrier I would agree. But they never expected people to reach that.?so they fixed it.
I find it hard to believe that they just couldn't do what they did with the nexus strike here.