I believe it would be a good idea to look into being able to hotkey ammo synthesis. At the moment we currently have to navigate to our inventory which can be quite bothersome and time consuming. With the ability to Hotkey ammo it would save time and it would make a situation where you need certain ammo instantly much easier than navigating to the inventory list. I would make it an option to hotkey the ammo to the Dpad rather than have gestures like point, wave, or sit. (Need to have dance because it's dance xD)
Hopefully others will see this option just as useful as i do and can make it known to bungie.
I was going to suggest the same thing myself! There's a few ways it can be done, I think: - Let us remap the d-pad to ammo packs of our choice. - Keep gestures on the d-pad, but when in a combat situation (which is a prerequisite for using an ammo pack in the first place) the d-pad activates ammo synths instead. - When holding left trigger, the d-pad can activate ammo synths. Currently when holding the left trigger down, the d-pad doesn't do anything, so seems like the modifier is already in place. This would also prevent accidental usage and "Oh, I was in combat then? I just spent my heavy ammo synth for no reason..." - Hold down X/Square and bring up a radial menu. Or let d-pad activate ammo synths when doing so. That last one is a lot more bleh then the others. Honestly, just incorporate the d-pad into ammo synths somehow and it'll be all good, seems such an obvious fit. As mentioned above, currently it's a bit cumbersome to use them. It's not terrible by any means, it can be done fairly quick, but it's definitely not ideal - especially since it obscures what is going on. And sometimes what's going on is a Vex teleporting on top of you. You end up having to not only wait for the cooldown on the synths, but also a safe moment to use them. Maybe that's intended, I don't know. However, even if you increased the time it took to use a synth to compensate, not having to navigate to the inventory screen would be worth it since it lets you keep your attention on what's going on. And we've already established that it's a teleporting Vex, this time a minotaur - bastards blink like pros.