I'm 18 and I'm really struggling with what direction I want to take in life. I don't really have a job goal like others but I have this deep desire to be apart of something bigger than me. Something that I can wake up everyday and be proud of. I've always been interested in the marines and part of me really wants to do it but the other part of me just wants to go to college and figure something else out. The problem is when ever I think about going to college I feel like I'm selling myself short and just taking the easy way out. I've talked to a recruiter and have done a lot of research. I was actually really close to joining up but my parents brought up a good point. What happens after my 4 years? If I join I would go for infantry and try to work up to recon. So I won't really have skills that transfer over to the civilian world. I would be back to the point I'm at right now but I would be 4 years older. I know that in the end this is a decision I have to make and that non of you can make it for me, but I would like to hear from you guys with experience.
My plans are to go through ROTC into the Army or Navy
Go to College, get a good degree, join The Marines as an officer, get good pay, go on from there. Problem solved.
I haven't served yet, but I'm probably going to college first then I'll either join the military(Probably Marines) or go into law enforcement. That's what I have planned but still not 100% sure yet. I don't want to go into either career without going to college first. Do whatever feels right to you.
i'm an active duty marine..it's not for everyone. and yeah especially you going in as a grunt. it doesn't transfer to the civilian world. plus it's peace time corps as of right now..which makes it that much worse. but you'd be taken care of, have a steady paycheck. and after 2 years in you can opt for tuition assistance on college classes. maybe knock out an associates or a bachelors while you're in if you're super dedicated. you'll also grow a lot as a person. just gotta have a high tolerance for BS sometimes.
I joined essentially right out of highschool, primarily because I had pretty much no other options. I don't want to spend a lot of time explaining why but trust me when I say the world is extremely limited when you come from a white lower class family with abysmal credit and your parents can't support you. I didn't see myself working two jobs for four years while I completed a degree in a field I didn't want to be in to get a guaranteed job I wasn't gonna like. I also didn't want to work two jobs for four years to get a degree I wanted and never get the job I wanted. So I researched the USAF. Once I found the job that sounded like my perfect match I went to the recruiter and enlisted. I scored high enough on the ASVAB and EDPT to get the job I wanted and here I am six months later in Tech School. I have a steady cash flow, my college will get paid for, and when I graduate tech school I will be two credits short of an associates in Applied Science. And I have zero debt and will continue to have no debt in my future schooling endeavors all because of my entitlements. The military isn't for everybody but it gave me a chance at my American Dream. Call me up in three years and I'll let you know if I signed up too early and for the wrong reasons but from where I'm at right now, this gig has no downsides.
My only problem so far has been the medical blockades trying to join. Only simple diagnosis of ADD or ADHD and there's a mountain you have to climb to get enlisted. I personally want to do EOD but getting there is going to be a bîtch and a half
I'm a Marine message me if you want to talk about your options. I also have a college degree so I could give you advice on that as well.
Na do it after about a year your realize how much corruption there is. Honor and pride doesn't exist anymore your just a number being sent off to catch a bullet.. I mean not me I'm chair force but ya you get the deal go to college or join the border patrol
Edited by Balto: 11/17/2014 4:37:03 PMTry talking to a navy recruiter. The navy offers a huge variety of ratings that can directly translate into job experience, and even a full degree. If you get into the nuclear power program, you can get a hefty signing bonus, and stay in for huge reenlistment bonuses. On top of that, you can pretty much walk into a job paying 80 grand a year after your service.
Looking to build a solid team 8-10 that would like to do weekly heroic, nightfall, raid and than do the iron banner and crucible on weekly bases. I'm a military member and would like similar members with similar interests to join this clan. Here's the schedule if you like to join: Tue: weekly heroic, nightfall, raid normal Wed: raid hard for all three characters Thurs: finish raid if needed and do iron banner and cruicible. Friday-Sunday: cruicible, iron banner Monday: rest day or play other games rinse and repeat. please join our clan. thanks for looking and stay classy. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/370489 SVAF is about having fun as a team and getting awesome loot. Come join the our team if you want to have an awesome time with like minded gamers. We'll do planned weekly raids, competitive multiplayer/strike playlists, and other antics just to have a great time. Thanks for visiting our clan and stay classy.
Join the military, it's just like call of duty, respawn times are a little slow though.
All who serve in the military die in vain for a corrupt nation.
Ayy, I want to be a Marine! I'm kinda surprised that more people don't join for the reason I am.
I took like 4 basic classes at a CC college. (Not counting the dual credit and Ap classes in highschool) I didn't really know what I wanted to do. So I decided to join the Air Force. Got like a 60 on the ASVAB. For my TAPAS I qualified for SERE. Both my parents are in mom 20yrs, step dad 22 his retired. Shit even my sister. Shes a AC-130 pilot. My AFSC is SERE(Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) specialist. Leave for boot December 9th. I like it cause I'll get to travel and gain new experience. I was lucky to live and sworn in Texas cause I get the Hazelwood Act too.
Does the royal canadian airforce count???
The military can also pay for your college after a few years of service I think. Just make sure you research the type of jobs you may want to do in the military that are applicable for civilian life. If you wind up realizing you aren't happy or meant for military life, you don't want to have spent 4 years training skills that you can't make use of. If you do go into the military, just be safe and smart if you get deployed to a combat zone. GL mate
Edited by Chobo: 10/15/2014 1:48:24 PMFind a good MOS, do that for 4 years while taking 1 class per semester. Get out, use that GI bill and finish your degree. Then you will have the tools to pursue your goals and ambitions. AND you'll only be 22 when you start school. I'm a 26 year old freshmen. Good luck
inb4 Americans coming in to suck patriotism's dick
My cousin likes it
you won't be proud of a lot of things if you ever go to war
I went communications in the Army and it gave me plenty of skills I've used when I got out. Biggest advice I can give you is think of something you'd enjoy doing in the civilian world and see if a branch has job(mos) for that. Plus once you get out you get your college paid for so yo can advance your knowledge at basically little cost. Don't jump into it though. You join for a stupid reason and you'll dread life every day and make stupid decisions. You mess up big time in the military and that crap can follow you. Not as much as they make it seem but it can still be bad. Just really think about it before you just jump on the idea of it. And think about this.... If you had to..... Would you be willing to take another person's life and walk away like it was nothing?