I'm 18 and I'm really struggling with what direction I want to take in life. I don't really have a job goal like others but I have this deep desire to be apart of something bigger than me. Something that I can wake up everyday and be proud of. I've always been interested in the marines and part of me really wants to do it but the other part of me just wants to go to college and figure something else out. The problem is when ever I think about going to college I feel like I'm selling myself short and just taking the easy way out. I've talked to a recruiter and have done a lot of research. I was actually really close to joining up but my parents brought up a good point. What happens after my 4 years? If I join I would go for infantry and try to work up to recon. So I won't really have skills that transfer over to the civilian world. I would be back to the point I'm at right now but I would be 4 years older. I know that in the end this is a decision I have to make and that non of you can make it for me, but I would like to hear from you guys with experience.
The military can also pay for your college after a few years of service I think. Just make sure you research the type of jobs you may want to do in the military that are applicable for civilian life. If you wind up realizing you aren't happy or meant for military life, you don't want to have spent 4 years training skills that you can't make use of. If you do go into the military, just be safe and smart if you get deployed to a combat zone. GL mate