originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
You don't have to have Thorn to join the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/511412]Thorny Guardians[/url] . We will befriend you and help you out if you are looking for friends, on any console, to help you get your Exotic weapon.
Post your name, what console you are on, which Exotic you need help with and how far you have gotten with it.
If you join the group we will help you out. If you go as far as joining the clan then we can have fun with other things such as Raid.
We are all at different levels and from different parts of the world with different ideas and pursuits. Some of us are casual and some of us are hardcore. But we all like to help and we all like a challenge. Its simply a matter of finding the right people at the right time.
With that said, I welcome you and I thank you for taking an interest and I that hope we can enjoy Destiny together.
Need help with Xyor add me on PS4 O_277
GT: maplecrow console: XB1 Thorn = 15/500 :/ why hunters don't have void damage subclass QQ. So bad at pvp. Open to provide and receive help :)
Need help killing xyor on ps4 cloudbound1993
I'm doing both Thorn and Bad Juju on PS4. PedroSkuzzy
Don't need help but willing to help others Xbox1 origheartattk1
Willing to help others, send me a pm or a message on Xbox before you invite please. Gt: Nightmare3883 Xbox One
I wouldn't mind help with getting the Thorn either. I'm on the PS4, and I'm on for about an hour right now, or I'll be on again in about 20 hours
timtim2410 - PS4 - need help killing xyor the unwed! tried it solo today and failed ... I want to go for it again in round about 16 hours :) hopefully one or two of you guys can help me to get that beautiful gun!
Need help killin xyor, xb1 message cocodance
Hey I'm looking for some players to help me out with the last mission of a thorn bounty. In return I guess I can send you a friend request and if you need support for raid or whatever I can help out with. I'm a pretty active player so there's that lol. Or if you wanna do it outta the kindness of your heart that's cool too :) Also for 360 and imma 28 hunter
xBlackxDeathx115 ps4 im just trying to get an exotic bounty preferably the Thorn bounty
Need help with xyor on Xbox one please my gamertag is Agro294
Need help with Thorn Bounty. Only need to Kill Xyor the Unwed. Would appreciate help asap!
I needs those helps with this thorn bounty on XB1 so add me brothers and sisters!
[quote]You don't have to have Thorn to join the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/511412]Thorny Guardians[/url] . We will befriend you and help you out if you are looking for friends, on any console, to help you get your Exotic weapon. Post your name, what console you are on, which Exotic you need help with and how far you have gotten with it. If you join the group we will help you out. If you go as far as joining the clan then we can have fun with other things such as Raid. We are all at different levels and from different parts of the world with different ideas and pursuits. Some of us are casual and some of us are hardcore. But we all like to help and we all like a challenge. Its simply a matter of finding the right people at the right time. With that said, I welcome you and I thank you for taking an interest and I that hope we can enjoy Destiny together.[/quote] I need help with the thorn bounty, I'm on the final step, I'm on ps3, gamer tag: iron_hide_11 Any help would be much appreciated
Need help with thorn bounties, the pvp part on ps4, psn: tetsuya91
I would like to get Monte Carlo exotic weapon. I don't know where to start with that. I was thinking doing nightfall and weekly heroic strikes but I have a feeling that won't be enough.
Need help with Thorn exotic bounty on PS4 pls
Can anyone help me with my exotic bounty plz message me ps4 psn:Galaxyknight0