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10/15/2014 7:21:26 PM
Wow all i hear is how people like a challenge and want the raid to be hard. So when bungie does something that keeps the raid challenging. People complain cuz now they can't sleep thru the fight. Learn to do it the way it was meant to be played or quit and find something easier. Every game ever made puts limits on what you can do in the game so you play the way its supposed to be played. Players have never decided how you play a game developers do.

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  • It's not an mmo its got the same elements as one its an fps and in an fps taking cover it to be praised finding all the little tips and tricks to do things the easy way is literally part of it weather it's finding the exact spot to throw a grenade in cod to get the first kill or finding the best sniper spot in battle field it isn't cheating to do these things in an fps its using the tools you have available to your advantage and here it hurts no one but your team since you sacrifice an extra chest

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  • There are great DMs and there are terrible DMs. Bungie is being a terrible DM, that is throwing the baby out with the bath water becaues players find a solution that was out side the box. Generally Great DMs will tell the players good job and take notes in the players thought process for future dungeons.

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  • I must admit. This was the exact same thing I was thinking off. WoW has different raids and all have to be completed 1 way or wipe. So I can see what bungie is trying to do and I don't blame them for it. (Also was using the platform) But they could be setting better priorities like remove the inpact rating on grenades and stuff on bosses. Because pushing off these guys is the biggest laugh ever.

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  • Never attempted the raid, feels like he can form an opinion on it. You shouldn't speak of things you do not know.

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  • Never said I did the raid, but I have played enough mmo's to be able to know what it takes to do a raid. And as far as raids go this one is cake compared to ones in wow and other such mmo's. But that wasn't even to point of my msg. It was that developers decide what you can and can not do in a game. That goes for every game ever made. So don't act like this is new just for destiny. Raids get fixed all the time in mmo's.

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  • Try the raid and come back and tell me it's "easier" than WoW raids. In WoW raid bosses put shit on the ground and hit a tank. I've played WoW since BC came out.

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  • I played wow since vanilla. Whats your point. The raids are way harded in wow or they were harded have been getting easier as of late.

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  • "The raids are way harded in wow" [b]You literally sound like Doge; Ignorant Version...[/b] I won't correct you. However, if you haven't tried the raid in Destiny, yet you're trying to compare it to something else... You do not have the right. [b]So please shut the -blam!- up.[/b]

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  • It's an obvious typo dude, I also played wow from beta up until burning crusade. MC AND BWL were a lot harder and took more organization, the Vael fight to mind. The only thing that should be patched is the Atheon fight, and to some how limit the scrubs who beg for Atheon checkpoints all day.

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  • [b]How long has WoW been out?[/b] [b]10 Years.[/b] [b]How long has Destiny been out?[/b] [b]One[/b] [i]F**king[/i] [b]Month[/b]

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  • No need to get hostile. All I said were the wow raids were initially much harder. Relax dude. Using bold words and swearing on the forums must make you feel strong lol.

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  • Alright, first off... You said that the WoW Raids Are harder than the Destiny Raids, yet you claim you didn't expect to get any hate what so ever? Mhm... Yeah, no. Don't think everyone the god damn world agrees with your opinion. The main thing I hate about when people compare Destiny and WoW is that the amount of WoW Raids is ridiculous... While the amount of Destiny Raids... Oh look at that there's only one! Yet they pull out this long list of Raids that were superior to Destiny. I've had people pull out 10-18 before on YouTube all the freaking time, that's a lot because of how god damn long a raid is the first time you complete it... Now I'm not saying WoW Raids aren't harder than [i]the only[/i] Destiny Raid in existence. However I am saying [b]"Don't try to f**king compare them for at least another 10 years"[/b] Another thing to support why comparing them is ludicrous... How many characters and classes does WoW have.. 11? Each with a nearly endless skill tree. How many characters does Destiny have? 3 each with a 5x5 Skill tree. WoW has also been out for[b]10 Years[/b] Destiny has been out for[b]1 Month[/b] Another fun fact is that Destiny is not a pure MMO like WoW. Destiny is still an FPS and always will be, it certainly has aspects of an MMO but it is not a pure one. Just throwing this on the table. *COUGH[spoiler]Pay to win[/spoiler]COUGH*

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  • If you think the vault is hard, you need to step your game up.

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  • I played wow for only a year or so, from end of beta to the first expansion. I said when those raids first opened up, they were much harder then this. Get off your high horse. I enjoy destiny I am not bashing it all. I complete hard legit. I don't need to pay 2 win in anything.

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  • Biggest pile of crap ever posted on the Internet anywhere. Developers decided how you play a game.... HA what a bunch of crap.

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  • Really can you give me one title where I can do anything I want in the game? I'll wait cuz it will be awhile. You can only do what the developers allow you to do in any game other wise I come make any gun I wanted in destiny one shot every boss and solo the raid in 2 mins. Cuz thats how I want to play destiny. So if I get to decide how to play why can't I do that?

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  • Let's look at this....when you start the templar fight.....does it say "Defeat Boss XYZ, but only do it this way..."???? No it doesn't. In fact, NO WHERE do the "developers" tell you how they want you to play, or how they expect you to beat said please just shut up.

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  • Didn't know the developers ever told you how to beat any raid boss. Yet every game there is a way it needs to be done according to what the developers allow. Try again and have a nice day.

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  • You are defending them for what? This method is like a manager in corporate America. Tell you to complete a task, give you no direction, then when you get it done tell you that you were doing it wrong without giving you the "right/intended" way to accomplish said task. You sir can try again.

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  • I'm not defending them. Just pointing out this is how games have always been. So why cry about it now? There has never been a game where you do what ever you like. You can only do what the developers allow. That includes how you beat a raid boss or where you can go in the game world and what you can do.

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  • Ok, and before you could defeat him from the ledge, and it was allowed. Now all the sudden the rules change. Why wasnt this disabled to begin with? Changing it now seems like a child at play changing the rules of the game because he doesnt like that his friends found a fast way to beat his game or beat it outside of what he wanted...just seems stupid. They could have left it on normal, and patched it on hard...that way hard would have even more challenge...

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  • They could have done that or left it alone altogether or did what they did in the patch. Only point I'm making is they own the rights to the game and will patch or fix it how they see fit. They tell us what is allowed and what is not in their game. We just have to live with it or move on to something else. Now that doesn't mean I agree with it, just that I see it as pointless to complain about. There are so many issues in this game, this one was probably an easy fix that they felt would keep the fight challenging. I personally could care less about how people complete the raid, when there are people who can't even play the game cuz of connection issues, lack of story, or guns unbalanced in pvp, and the many other things that effect people in game.

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  • Agreed, but even with the fix they still havent told us how to play...

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  • Your right, maybe the better wording would be they told you how you can not play.

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  • True. Oh well, what can you do...if you play on xbox one hit me up...always looking for other guardians to play with...GT is same as my name

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