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10/15/2014 7:49:04 PM
I have to say I agree with the underlying message of this post. I agree with the blocking off of the platforms but I feel they could have gone about it in a better way. I think there is a lot to be said for giving incentives for players to complete a task in a certain way as opposed to just essentially saying "you're not playing by my rules so I am changing the game". If they continue to go about patching things in this manner it could become detrimental to the game. Now I'm not saying they do this with all of the things they patched, just some. One good example of de-incentivizing (I know that's made up) is the VMC. I for one had a real drive to attempt to complete the raid on hard to try to get that weapon, but since it's mediocre now a lot of that drive has gone away. I don't play a lot of PVP, and I understand balance needs to come to PVP, but I also don't think every gun should become the same. This is why I am an advocate for separate balances in PVP and PVE. As I'm sure everyone can agree they are both very different (which is why most people prefer one to the other I think) so balance in one is not necessarily balance and the other and I think we may be seeing that. Message to the original poster: I just want you to know that even though I kind a got a little off-topic I understand what you were saying and support that...there are still some people on the forums with reading comprehension skills lol

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