So yesterday I was testing out the scout rifle changes on first light which inevitably led to me using my secondary ( in leveled plan c) for most of the match. I went positive but all in all it was an underwhelming performance.
Thus my surprise when I receive a rage/hate message from HAM_SOLO_513, see below.
[quote]HAM_SOLO_513: Congrats on being a [lady part / kitty cat]
Me: Cry More
HAM_SOLO_513: Shut the [coitus] up and [female dog] out more behind an exotic fusion rifle more you vag ( not sure what this is, hard to keep up with the kiddies these days) . Maybe if you had actual skill you would use your legendary scout rifle. But we all know you're [participating in the act of coitus] [female dog] made.[/quote]
This was all quite entertaining to me and got me thinking there had to be other rage outs worth sharing! Share yours so we can all laugh at the morons together!
Id have hate mail if people not on my friendslist were allowed to message me