You posted in a reply stating, [quote]"That's exactly what the people in MLKs time would tell him.
Most peoples interest at his time didn't match with what MLK wanted. Just because it's not popular, doesn't mean its not the right thing to do."[/quote]
The context in which you are referring to is Martin L. King Jr.'s ideology of equal rights for all people of all race, ethnicity and gender.
In other terms - Martin believed that everyone should be granted equal opportunity and equal access to opportunities and none should be suppressed, even the rich and white. He had a dream that both a white person and a black person could shake each other's hands and consider themselves equal. To be competition, to better themselves and strive for the betterment of their community.
Which is really what confuses me, since your suggestion about wiping players accounts due to unfairness is suppressive, the complete opposite of MLK Jr.
Every player has equal opportunity to obtain the Vex Mythoclast. Every player is ran under the same RNG system. Every player can choose to play OP weapons and OP classes. That is their choice as a player. So how exactly is this current setup no different than MLK Jr.'s dream? Every player that enters the world of Destiny is given complete free will to use the content as they want (with a few boundaries defined by the Code of Conduct). Each individual is on equal playing field with one another to outcompete or to fail.
Resetting players accounts in order to achieve "fairness" [u]is still a form of suppression.[/u]
The players who put in the work to obtain Vex Mythoclast are punished.
The players who preformed highly in PVP are punished
The only players who benefit from this are the players who have not been lucky with RNG (which has the same probability of dropping for everyone), and the players who have preformed poorly in the crucible.
Even those who profit from a hard wipe [b]still[/b] loose. That is their work, time, and energy being reset.
A small minority of players benefit from this while the masses suffer. That does not sound like a equal society to me.
Thus, this is the logic as to why I see your reply was illogical.
I would be interested to see what your reply would be to my argument and see if you can prove me wrong.
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