Honestly its easy to kill the templar the way its meant to be done. Kill the oracles, harpies and shoot the templar...
The problem is that there shouldn't be single intended way to complete the encounter, It should be about exploration of the terrain and mastery of the tool given to the players to find the best solution for them. It is the difference between building a table using raw material and tools to manipulate the materials to suit your needs vs building a table from ikea where you follow the instructions and connect the pieces they give you together in pre-defined slots.
I understand that, but tell me standing on the cliff thing wasn't the easiest thing in the world..im glad they patched it even though they could of done something different. Either way im glad its patched it was a joke of a boss fight.
I am not going to tell you it isn't the easiest thing to do. I just view that when you give players terrain to work with they should expect we will find the most advantages parts of the terrain and use them in our favor. In they wanted us to stand and fight the boss on the same general area as the boss they should have used the terrain to wall us in with the boss. Generally the idea is don't give enemies terrain players are not allowed to go to, and don't make your terrain just for visuals but for gameplay as well.