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10/16/2014 11:46:50 AM
I agree and disagree. I've played plenty of MMO's in the past decade, from the betas for WoW and Guild Wars, and that whole era to more recent stuff such as Guild Wars 2, ESO, Wildstar, etc. I understand the problem first hand. It sucks that the ONLY way to hit level 30 is to do the raid multiple times. While I find the raid fun, it's still annoying to do, even with my good group of friends. There's no real individuality with my Titan save for skill level and shaders because of multiple things. Between everyone cheating Atheon and getting the VM, Xur handing out exotic weapons every week (yes, I use them, but I'd rather exotic weapon engrams than a flat out weapon), and raid armor being the only way to hit 30, it's just playing into my overall theory. We're all playing characters that were raised from the dead by Ghosts to fight for and heal the Traveler. We are becoming it's personal zombie army. More on that in another post lol. Honestly, I'd have no problem at all if we had a style system. Guild Wars 2 and DCUO come to mind. It doesn't matter what armor we're wearing, we can make our gear look however we want based on styles we've collected. If I want to have full raid gear style, sweet. I personally am starting to love how it looks on my Warlock and Titan, haven't gotten my Hunter in there yet, though. It also means that Playstation exclusive armor won't be a total waste. It sucks, though, because I didn't even pay attention to what the armor was called, because it seemed to not be legendary gear. I can only see this being a problem in PvP, where I look at what armor certain people are wearing before rushing in. Take for instance, the Helm of Saint-14 for Titans. I love it, but in PvP, if I see another Titan with it, I'm not going to rush into his bubble. Then again, I wouldn't do that anyway, but that's also another post. I'm just saying there has got to be more variety. I play the game very actively. I won't use the term hardcore, apparently it offends some people. Others are just casuals, and that's all fine, I guess. Not everyone will be doing the raid. Wait, nevermind, ever since that Atheon glitch, magically people realized they can form parties and just cheese their way to beating him. Also, another post.

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