originally posted in:Sentinels of the future
Post your PSN IDs here for easy tracking.
Ps4 Psn is usr name 25 hunter
Level 32 hunter and 25 titan Psn is : KeenWig5358
rocky1967pr is my psn. Level 25 warlock and titan.
Cogworth is also my PSN. 25 Hunter, working on a warlock as well. will probably make a titan too.
sk8ter3 lvl 16 warlock.
Thacarnage 14 warlock family new need some help add me
AbstractHero 29 Titan 21 warlock
BenKeo - Level 28 Titan based in the UK
Edited by Creeperjerry: 10/25/2014 2:02:10 PMLevel 20 hunter Creeperjerry
Lvl 26 titan psn same as above
xShezmu Lvl 28 warlock
Lvl 25 hunter same as name
Level 28 Warlock have done the Raids a lot on normal but only a few tries on hard. Send me a friend request and maybe we could all play some day. PSN : BurnedChipotle
Same as name IIGodNeosII
WINTER123. Level 26 Hunter.
Level 27 Titan. Add me PSN: Wash_The_Cat
On hard have gatekeeper save Requiem_unknown
Twertle006 Lvl 27 Titan
Lvl 27 warlock psn pretty_lights89
Lvl28 warlock pierreburnie Holland
Riks1186 - UK gamer
PSN: Nathan-_-lfc I'm uk time zone and lvl 26 working upwards on upgrading my full legendary and exotic gear so this lvl may change ;) hope to see you on the field!
Edited by ProppingThatBoard: 10/18/2014 6:35:25 PMMic___Mad 25 warlock both class upgraded