Thanks for taking the time to respond, devwild. You're absolutely right. I had forgotten about the inadvertent update that increased the enrage damage. You’ve also outlined perfectly why I gave up on the relic quest line – I won’t support content that forces endgame players to actively grind low-level content for meager or incremental rewards towards the progress of a powerful class weapon.
I agree with you on the lvl 24 version of the raid and the lore inclusion as well. Raid tokens would go a long way in addressing the RNG issue.
Thanks for your response too, I know I went beyond what you were saying. :) And yeah, it was only about a week after that expansion came out that I stopped playing. I was already considering it for real life reasons, but both the relic weapon quest and the requirements for master crafting felt like a smack to the face, extending gameplay through pure, mindless RNG - no skill, no challenge, no fun - just keep yanking on the slot machine. Many people I played with were rapidly losing the sense of having fun at that point, so it was a good time to make a clean break. Cheers