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Edited by GRIP: 10/16/2014 3:50:03 PM
I will say BUMP. And... The game economy needs a fix in a major way as well. The good news is that both what you propose and what I notice about fixing economy can be resolved at the same time. Why do monsters drop items that increase your GLIMMER drops...and you're sitting on the maximum amount of GLIMMER anyway, with no real outlets other than gear and weapon upgrades, and at that there's only one set that will get you to 30 and limited customization options. Make the Factions relevant. Allow rep to be gained via donations. Create faction specific bounties that award customization opportunities. Give greater incentives for gaining reputation and base them on the end-game desires of your players. I did NOT buy this game to spend 3 hours of play time farming spirit bloom because I got two pieces of armor and two weapons that need it. Meanwhile I constantly sit on maxed out GLIMMER. This fix should be obvious. Just don't make it to easy that we lose momentum enjoying the incremental improvements that keep us playing. Example. Allow Rank 2 with different factions to give you the ability to craft upgrade materials with either a cooldown or a daily maximum. Rank 3, 4, etc extend and increase the amount you can craft. Or example #2: Allow Rank 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. To give care packages with random items / upgrade materials ( like engram concept) and increase the goods received based upon reputation rank. Throw in a Faction Only item, like shader or class item that is only obtainable here and make it hard to get, but increase probability with higher reputation rank. And finally, give us the opportunity to spend every penny...25,000 GLIMMER for a once-a-week customizable shader that evaporates if we unequip it. I would gladly spend every ounce of my GLIMMER and grind out more for upgrades on items, in order to have my own customizable colors.

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  • Customizable color shaders...and please do something a bit more dramatic with visuals from armor. I like what's there, but go bigger... Like...Titan with a Class Item that's a Scottish Kilt. Or a Hunter Cloak that's pure Shadows trailing of his back. Or a Warlock in a dress...oh wait they already have that... jk lol Watkins Warlocks actually have really impressive fiery class items. What they don't have is a Class Item that looks like a shield being worn on the armlet...that'd be different. Spice it up. Give us economy. Give us alternate route to lvl 30 gear (like obtaining shards from PvP or raid that can be attached to favorite armor to increase it). Give us ability to be unique in a game with limited customization options (guns, which guns appear on character, Ghosts, Ghosts with buffs)

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