I felt slapped getting to the end of destiny's current "story". Soo... Bungie started it! *cries and points finger* lol
Now a lot of people are going to give me shit for this but *takes a breath*, I just looked at it as an epilogue. I went on media black out for the game. So going into it I had no idea how it was going to work. When I got to the end I went, oh it's like an epilogue and carried on my merry way leveling up, collecting exotics, and doing the raid (and working on my crap k/d -_- lol). I felt that the two scenes with the Queen were a good chuck of story for me. I got to begin hating and distrusting her brother (man that guys a dick *clenches his fist*) and form a conspiracy about the Speaker (something just isn't right about that guy), but also had a lot of questions regarding the lore that I look forward to see developing. But that is just me.
Oh I agree, there are good starts of story arcs, and the endgame is fun. I was just expecting a more complete feeling to the first chapter of the story. Currently I spend my days at work reading into the grimoire alot.