Let's get to the root of some of these nerf's and such. Bungie wants people to feel powerful in every element of the game, a lofty goal to be sure. So, they even out armour and weapon stats, but leave player builds and weapon perks in. This creates an...uneven playing field. Vex is an amazing gun, and it did not deserve the nerf it got, maybe a slight one. The thing is, you are putting level 6's with level 30's. Level 6's will get trounced and that goes against how Bungie wants us to experience the game. So, what do we do?
Well, as I see it, we have two options:
1) We have a completely walled off PvP experience. Rewards are earned in the crucible and used only in the crucible. It becomes an almost..separate experience. I think this, while plausible is not what the vision of a "shared world shooter" is for Bungie.
so we come to option 2
2) Tiered based PvP. Any of you who have played MMO's (WoW specifically) will know of the tiered PvP system. Gear earned in either experience is fine to use in PvP or PvE BUT you are trapped in a ten level tier ex: (10-19) once you hit 20, you're with the 20-29's. What this does is allow for things like Vex to be used and to be balanced among the tier it is in, so the PvE experience is still enjoyable. I would think, if you were to put two comparably geared 30's together the Vex probably isn't as bad as people think, but when you are 25 in mostly blues and get annihilated, it's not fun. To balance that out, creation of equivalent based PvP rewards can be purchased, so people who would rather PvP can PvP and get Purples and Exotics, and still be useful in PvE, while the the exact same thing is possible for PvE players in PvP.
I'm not syaing that the PvP needs to be tiered in 10 level gaps...since theres only 30 levels right now. But, a tiered system of some sort may be the happy medium we are looking for.
Alternatively, they can just keep nerfing everything..so we all just end up using the same guns because they are the only ones that organically have balance.
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