Okay, we got three-and-a-half hours until old Seaweed-Face shows his ugly mug in the Tower again. I got a ton of Strange Coins saved, though sadly I'm short on Motes of Light...
So, what are you hoping to get from the Agent of the Nine this week?
Last week he didn't have any of the guns I wanted; [b]Hard Light[/b], [b]Patience and Time[/b], or [b]Thunderlord[/b]. Those are the guns I'm keeping my fingers crossed for.
For armor, I'm hoping to get something for my new Hunter... namely [b]Young AhamKara's Spine[/b], [b]Knucklehead Radar[/b], or [b]Aclyophage Symbiote[/b] (did I spell that right?); for my Warlock, I'm still hoping for the [b]Skull of Dire AhamaKara[/b].
What do you guys got on your Exotic wish list?
Okay, this week wasn't the greatest one for Exotics. Decent armor, but a lousy weapon; another Rocket Launcher. I already have Gjallahorn fully-upgraded, and it's a great weapon. What the heck to I need Truth for? What I really need is an Exotic machine gun that isn't Super Good Advice. Here's hoping Xur has Thunderlord in stock next week.
Personally, I hope to see Light Beyond Nemises.
he needs sunbreakers again
Sunbreakers :D
The Crest of Alpha Lupi(Hunter) or/and The Last Word.
The Last Word The Last Word Oh yeah don't forget The Last Word