All MMOs patch unintended ways of exploiting oversights on raid mechanics. ALL of them. This is not a single player game and therefore exploits cannot remain in the game.
This is not your game and cannot be played how you want it. You need to abide by the rules of the world you are playing in.
Edited by BiPoLaR CaRnAgE: 10/17/2014 9:37:00 PM
Butthurt^. True faggetry
Edited by BiPoLaR CaRnAgE: 10/17/2014 9:37:11 PM
Again Butthurt Faggetry at its best.
Such a shame we aint all as cool as you eh?
Edited by BiPoLaR CaRnAgE: 10/17/2014 9:37:20 PM
Oh blanket statement and hypocrisy. Love it.