originally posted in:Old Man Clan
Firstly, a massive thank you to everyone who has been supportive of the new raiding groups. All of your enthusiasm and contributions, big and small, have been duely noted and highly appreciated :)
I will be running a further 2 groups through on Sunday, one at 12 uk time/7am est, and another at 6 uk time/1pm est. If you are interested in being a part of either group, as 1st timer or a mentor, please post your id, class/level, and whether you'd like to be in group 1 or 2. Also please put if it will be your first time or not, people who haven't had the chance to go through yet will of course be given priority. Thanks again for the continued support, see you starside guardians :)
Group 1: 10/26/2014 @12 uk/7am est
[b]Group 2: 10/26/2014 @6pm uk/1pm est
Lou chou+1
[b]Team full
For those of you that would like to see the vault and some of the tactics I will be streaming on twitch. The title will be Raiding 101: OMC :)[/b]
Thanks for having me and thanks to all who participated yesterday! One day I'll learn how to jump over that damn chasm. If you need an extra at some point look me up. For some reason I am not showing completing the raid for the week.
Hello again, my +1's actually dealing with the flu and has just let me know he can't make it! Apologies for the short notice. Hopefully we can fill his spot? I'll still be there. Very excited to do it. [i](I also messaged you, so sorry for the spam, just wasn't sure where'd be best to let you know)[/i]
Thanks for letting us tag along! PSN names for myself and the +1... Lou-Chou Ganeil
I'll be on 15-20 minutes early. Hit me up when you get there.
Oh oh pick me!! Group 2 please for the 6pm UK kickoff. I am a VOG virgin at present. LVL 27 titan
Myself and my friend, both from the UK, have been struggling to find even just one other player to strike with, let alone to raid, so it'd be awesome if we could join this? 6pm would be better. Neither of us have raided before. He's level 26 Titan, I'm 25 Warlock but should be 26 by the time of the raid.
If there's a spot over, i'm game for the 6pm run. Done it once this week with you guys. Available from 18:30 UK time. Would be Fun, also to get a bit better at it....
Hey, will there be one this coming Sunday the 26th? If so, I'm very interested in the later raid. Lvl 26 Titan. Happy as defender or striker. Never even poked my head in there before, but I'll read a walk through ahead of time if you have one you'd recommend.
Edited by JackNapalm: 10/22/2014 8:24:59 PMI'll take you up on that. Level 26 Titan for late Sunday session. This will be my first time. level 27 now (10/22) Psn:jacknapalm Thank you!