originally posted in:Hunger of the Wolf
I have a hard save at the gatekeepers, just before the Atheon fight. I tried running it last night with some people, but they just weren't getting it. So, I'm in need of some assistance, and it would be appreciated if some experienced raiders could lend me a hand. I'm looking to run it probably in 2-3 hours, so that gives some time for people to get situated and figure out if this is something they can do.
I also need to complete the Oracles just before the Templar fight, but that will have to wait until after Gatekeepers/Atheon since we'd have to run the vault from the beginning.
Anywho, if there are any takers, just leave you PSN stuff down below and I'll get to adding people when I'm about to load it up.
[quote]I have a hard save at the gatekeepers, just before the Atheon fight. I tried running it last night with some people, but they just weren't getting it. So, I'm in need of some assistance, and it would be appreciated if some experienced raiders could lend me a hand. I'm looking to run it probably in 2-3 hours, so that gives some time for people to get situated and figure out if this is something they can do. I also need to complete the Oracles just before the Templar fight, but that will have to wait until after Gatekeepers/Atheon since we'd have to run the vault from the beginning. Anywho, if there are any takers, just leave you PSN stuff down below and I'll get to adding people when I'm about to load it up.[/quote] I could help 😀
level 30 hunter full raid gear with raid weapons. mic psn/megabluex
I've beat if you need another 27 titan
I'm down add MYnivesAREdeadly
Doing this in about an hour and a half now.
Lvl 29 hunter WHITEman343
Im up for raid tonight,psn antianton93 Lv29sunsinger warlock, I can also kill atheon if u want :)
Lvl 28 hunter I've done it but I'll help ANG3L1CD3M0N5 Is psn
I'd help on my lvl 30 warlock to get passed the gatekeeper and then switch to my hunter for Atheon and help push him off
Petejames91 ps4 lvl 29
if your still looking my psn is goodyman42
king_bam_ftw if you're still looking