Looking for skilled players to slay with.
ALK is looking to establish a network of gamers across all platforms in order to achieve success on the battlefield, may it be on Mars, Venus, The Crucible or the Iron Banner. We strive for success and have a whole lot of fun doing it. The last thing I would call ALK is hardcore but we definitely carry a competitive nature, we play together and we play to win. We're looking to tackle - Raids - Strikes - PVP - PVE - Achievement help - Assisting in the gearing and leveling up of other members .. In so many words, if it's in Destiny, we're all about it. We are also currently looking to establish a team to run the VoG. Being a first timer myself, If there are any other first timers, or VoG veterans that are looking to lend a hand join up and let us know, we'd be happy to have you onboard. - ArcLight Kingdom