These. All of these, seconded by a level 27 Titan. Except I never really farmed loot cave and I have had a dance party in my bubble while playing control.
I discovered it about 5 days before it was nerfed and it was glorious. There was an odd addiction about it. I think my goal is to get a dance party in my bubble tonight. Even if it's out in the Cosmodrome wild.
Lvl 29 Titan and I am with you on this list lol. I want to get a 6 Titan fireteam, go to a contr9l game and then have us all create our bubbles connected to each other and have a huge dance party in them XD
OMG like a multiple mega dome party!!!! That sounds amazing, then you can have a huge circle of bubbles and just visit each other's bubbles!
Probably could get one after a public event or something. Or while capping a zone in control if you play crucible. And yeah the cave just didn't appeal to me. Didn't bug me but I was never into it.