Is there any way to get an exotic back after it has been dismantled? I recently dismantled my exotic Invective Shotgun because I am colourblind, meaning that yellow and green look nearly the same to me. I had forgotten that I had unequipped it to equip a recently purchased exotic and simply started to dismantle some of the uncommon weapons that I had picked up while playing. The only reason I realized what I had done was because my girlfriend was sitting beside me and yelled, "Why would you do that?" I have put a lot of time and (ascendent) energy into trying to upgrade it for use in Crucible and the fully upgraded Exotic achievement and hope there is a way to save it.
I also wanted to complain on behalf of all colourblind people that this game is very unfriendly to colourblind individuals. For myself, uncommon and exotics are almost indistinguishable, as are rares and legendaries. And don't even get me stated on shaders not appearing the correct colour to myself. Maybe to help avoid this in the future there should be a question at the end, similar to "Are you sure you want to dismantle this?" or a colourblind mode where that would be accessible to turn on.
Edit: Thank you, to those of you who had constructive things to contribute. To the others, just because you can post does not mean you should.
On the note of a potential colourblind mode, the colour of level of party members are incredibly hard to see on most planets. On the note of the extended dismantle time, I assumed it was just destiny lagging again. Also what MMO does not have item restoration as mentioned below.
Never had that problem, however as a fellow colorblind gamer, the only issue I have had in Destiny so far is distinguishing the colors to determine which elemental weapons to use to help kill the shields on enemies…have to memorize enemies and weaknesses. I am sure it is the same with color sight as well I suppose, but it feels slightly disadvantageous (new word).