Updated with 2 new paragraphs from lost thread. See bottom of thread.
It's back, bitches.
Read the whole damned thing: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1er-MAFz3QDffChip7tUjSTL0lPPU8OrVU_LrHojv6M4/edit?usp=sharing
First: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=61889006
Second: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=61889483
Third: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=61905186
The shot fired from the cannon echoed all across the cosmos. Froggert was blasted to the ground by the sheer awesomeness,but managed to pick himself up and get out of range before the beam spread and detonated. The earth rumbled and cracked. A beam of light illuminated the battlefield in a blaze of pure, primal energy. It tore through RC's right shoulder and impacted BADMAGIK's head in a white-hot blaze (over 9,000º Celsius)
The rest of the evil wizard's body crumpled and fell from its floating position, falling onto the unfortunate Capiton Render and his trans-dimensional Wang. RC's limp body fell atop the pile of bodies. Nobody on the battleground stirred as the dust spread from the impact. A full minute passed before it was clear enough to see the site of the landing. The Floodians held their breath in anticipation.
A hand thrust outwards from the crater. Piece by piece, the rest of Capiton Render followed as he pushed himself up out of the rubble, RC lying limp on his back. He kicked BADMAGIK’s body over and inspected it. The profile was still alive, but barely. His dying words echoed in a whisper through Capiton’s mind:
“Defeating a sandwich… only… makes it... tastier.”
Render turned wearily as the profile dissolved. The Floodians all around him rejoiced and their Morale improved by one thousand, three hundred and thirty seven points. The dirty plebs began to wail incoherently and scream as they turned tail and fled back to JOHN CENA.
Render pushed tiredly through the crowd of Floodians, who had grown deathly silent as they saw the full damage inflicted upon RC’s Super Saiyan body. One by one, they began to follow Render, who led this deathly march back towards their commanders and wounded. ReconNumber54 rushed down from his ninja’s point of vantage as Render carefully laid RC’s pale body on a spare comment section. Recon looked Render in the eyes and nodded. All was still as the two communicated noiselessly. Minutes passed, and RC’s heartbeat became weaker and weaker.
Finally, the two reached a conclusion. Recon turned to the assembled members of the forums.
“You know what to do.”
Silently, the forum nodded in unison as they posted comments underneath RC’s blank body of text. Each one added their own sentence to what became a subthread with 117 replies. I’m too lazy to recount the whole thing, but here are some highlights.
“I always knew he was a fgt.”
“He was my best friend, since I couldn’t find any in real life.”
-Every Flood member ever
-Silent Bob
As the dirge rose to a keening cry of sadness, the Floodian’s tears fell, drop by drop, from the sky, as Achronos began to sob at how loyal the members of the community were to each other, and how tight-knit they had all become. The Floofians stood there, together in their misery at the death of one of their greatest heroes and fgts.
The sky began to darken, as RC’s profile was absorbed into the code of Bungie.net. A high-pitched, feminine laughter rang in an eerily haunting way. The Floodians glanced around in growing uneasiness as the darkness closed in on them. They began to lose clarity, friendly faces fading away into the darkness as each Floodian was left without being able to see their own hands in front of their face. Demonic screams echoed from the fog as a feeling of claustrophobia descended upon the wary force. Satanic symbols began to flash blood-red as blood dripped from the sky. Shadows’ presence presided over the Floodians as sheer terror consumed them. Demons began to leap out of the murk, and the tired and bloodied forum members readied their weapons as the war began anew.
Zoid’s doges began to bark and yelp, circling nervously as the zambies began to emerge from the obscurity. They began to snap and bite as the emos began to get closer and closer, smelling of death and dumb posts. The doges bit and ripped the pale flesh, but couldn’t absorb enough nutrients from the sun-deprived skin of their vanquished enemies and began to lose power. Zoid #yolloswe420blazeditup and the doges began doping out, smothering the emos with the smoke from the [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3hi9rxqFvU]dank nugs[/url].
The libtards screamed at the sight of MUH CHILLUNS dying from w33d overdoses and rushed in at Zoid’s doges. Now, the Shibes were vewy tiwed so had to be tacticooly extracted by Kernel Kraut’s private froce, because God *crosses self* forbid the military from interfering!
The libtards attacked en force and streamed towards Zoid. Little did they know that Nigdalf was lurking in the shadows, camouflaged by his natural skin color, waiting for his moment to strike. Zoid put up a defensive greentext [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-plOVovajVM0/Ue71Gtfax4I/AAAAAAAAAlU/JdEnGELc5T8/s640/green+text.jpg]barrier[/url] to buy him(her?)self moar time as the Floodians oriented themselves and began to form a defensive circle.
Users that will see action soon:
Waifu Master (v2)
Zizou (kills errytang)
L3G1T 8bit
Nul Arc
abba61- our scribe
Gojira fan service
Rogue Predalien (and his theme song)
Mythic (<3)
Get ready for a new part today. And again, forgive me for not keeping up with a lot of new material. A few paragraphs is all I can manage feasibly without sacrificing my schedule or sleep.
So much history