Confessions of a 29 Titan
1.I sometimes slow walk in the tower because I want people to notice my shiny gold armor and die from amazement
2. While talking I party chat I get my healthy dose of parkour in for the day running aimlessly about the tower
3. I run to a dark corner away from everyone to inspect others, I feel they should not know seeing as I'm a higher lvl
4. I shoulder charge way to often for my own good
5. When I shoulder charge I don't feel bad
6. I usually yell ow!!! F**k!!! Or some similar phrase after getting hit as if it actually hurt
7. I use the mythoclast....... Are you still my friend :(
8. I look around the cryptarc's tent yelling where the f**k is it when I screwed out of a blue
9. In raids I make fart noises as I open my bubble, immature but for some reason I find it way to funny
10. I am a victim of common kicks because I love to run into a boss yelling llllleeerrrrrroooooyyyyy jjjjjeeeeennnnnkkkkiiiiinnnnsssss!!!!!!!!!!
There are a ton more I must add but I feel as if our connection will dissolve after seeing my shinanegans.
#10...always #10.
I have a buddy that's all about #10
I have a buddy that's all about #10
#4 and 5..... ALL DAY LONG
Number 7, hahahahahah. Shoulder charge for the win!