originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
This probably seems insignificant, but I was playing Crucible last night and my son was watching. At one point I had lost my shield and he turns and says to me,"Dad, why do you have a heartbeat if you're a robot?" He's 7. I told him I had no idea and laughed. I had never even thought of that. My character is an Exo Titan by the way. I feel like Bungie missed a couple of things. Like a heartbeat in a robot. Or how a Ghost can resurrect a human skeleton and turn it into an armored Guardian after they've been dead for a couple hundred years.
Or your walking around and find a 'dead ghost'. Wait, isn't that an oxymoron. I want a bumper sticker on my speeder that reads: I brake for Spinmetal.
Or the fact the robot wears a helment cause of air quality? Lol
According to the grimoire the exo where fasioned after humans. The exo origin has been lost in time no one knows where they come from or who made them. Maybe the makers gave them a heart to pump thier fluids through thier bodies, like the AI in the first alien movie all that white stuff he squirts out after being tore in half lol