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originally posted in: Confessions of a 29 Titan
10/18/2014 3:06:37 PM
Confessions of a lvl 27 Titan male 1. Whenever I'm cruising on patrol and see other players getting hammered by waves of enemies I rush in and use my punches alone to save the day. This is the way of my Titan. 2. I always give a wave salute to anyone in my random fire team at the end of a strike or mission as thanks for their help 3. I am an addict for any flowing stylish Titan mark, and get a little sad when I slap on the less stylish FWC mark to grind for gear 4. I have an addiction for punching out Spider Tanks with my mighty fists, and I dance over its corpse. I don't know why 5. I have successfully but punch killed the Archon priest once, I jumped and danced everywhere in thrill of not having died instead 6. I am still a VoG virgin. And won't touch it until I can get a headset 7. I am addicted to headshotting majors with my auto rifle. It's unusually satisfying 8. I only leveled my Defender class to help others in strikes, outside of strikes I won't touch the class on my life 9. I always dance next to Xur when he shows up the first day. I like to think it makes him uncomfortable 10. I voice over my own story to the cutscenes. Especially when confronting the Queens brother. I like to think I knee capped him for his fat mouth and walked away in slow motion to his sisters surprise 11. I have never not danced over Sepktis Primes dead ass for all the times he killed me as a younger Titan.... 12. I'm a ho for planning out all the exotic builds I would make if they ever lift the one and one limit... 13. I check out other Titans for their gear in the tower when their busy with menus.... 14. Every time I meet the Speaker or Dead Orbit I wish I could throw shoulder charges or punches at their smug faces 15. I'm unreasonably sure that the ambassador for New Monarchy wants me dead because I laugh at his mustache 16. I grind rep solely to get gear to make my Titan look like a knight in matching color coordinated gear. And then change my mind as to which rep.... 17. I can't stand rocket launchers unless their exotics, then their just too pretty not to use

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