In game lore fact: Your character died before the Traveler Discovery. This is implied and stated through quotes and the story (or lack thereof).[/quote]
Where was this ever stated or implied?
I mean I guess you could say that the speaker, the first time you speak to him, he kinda implies it. But really what person, robot or mutant is going to be dead next to a road in the middle of nowhere in Russia. I could see it if you were on the road near the cosmodrome, during the collapse, helping with the evacuation to the last city when you were killed, but apart from that I can't see why my human, female warlock with a British accent would be doing there, then for her to die there? Unless it's like the beginning of Fallout New Vegas then I'll understand every bit of my character's contextless backstory.
I would love to know this as well. I've read every grimoire card I have and some I don't and have never seen this stated or implied.