Confessions of a lvl 28 Warlock Sunsinger (the one that revives)
1. I wish I had created a titan but am too lazy to go back and level up another character. You titans sh*t on everyone.
2. I love to revive when I die in PvP and when I do I yell "HE HAS RISEN"... And then I dance on you
3. I often get invited to help people with weekly events, but rarely join. I am a generous god.
4. I am amazing with sticky grenades and will use them 'till the day I die (#getwrecked)
5. I didn't know that upgrading your light armor upgraded your lvl after 20, so for the longest time I was a level 23 searching for
light armor that didn't exist
6. I would be level 30 right now if I had known that I had to upgrade my light armor to lvl up
7. Voidwalker sucks
8. I have 9 exotic weapons, and only 1 is a raid pick up and 1 is purchased
9. my cat is blocking my screen right now
10. I have skipped class to stay home and play destiny
11. I use lootcaves BUT ONLY to quickly complete daily bounties (I mean, c'mon Bungie, how else can you kill two people with a fusion blast 20 FREAKIN TIMES)
12. I farm public events often
13. [b]I have been in 5 areas that haven't even been released yet[/b] (I wall hack often)
14. I have picked up ghost in those areas already and fear I might get banned for having them and sneaking around
15. I will be devastated if I get banned
16. In "breaking in" to unreleased zones, I often find perfect pathways to get in and I believe there is someone in Bungie who is purposely leaving these open doors (thank you whoever you are, you're cool. let's be friends)
17.I play the pink panther theme song in my head while sneaking around in these places. also my cat is blocking the screen again
18. Destiny is the first game I've ever really gotten into and been a part of a "gaming community", so thank you all for making this game enjoyable.
19. I sometimes spend an hour on mars just jumping my sparrow off the dunes (#artofflight)
20. I have fully upgraded 2 exotic weapons and 2 exotic armors
21. My friends call me a no life because I am a higher lvl than them
22. I really hope this Thriller Dance thing happens
23. I have never done a nightfall nor completed the VOG. Stopped before Atheon 3 times now :/
24. When doing lvl 28 missions and strikes by myself (because my friends are too low), I feel like the ultimate badass
25. [b] I feel of change of heart and am willing to start helping others with weekly events and raids. Send me an invite; gamertag is classyhob0 (<- the last "o" is a zero)[/b] I am on just about everyday after 10am pst. X1 only, sorry PSrs
-Hobo out
taliking about your first confession im a lvl 29 warlock did a titan lvl 28 and believe me youre not missing much it makes me love my warlock even more! :D
Tankedgolfvr6 xb1 29 titan