originally posted in:Xbox One
ELoD..... The ELDERS of DESTINY a small band of elder COED gamer's are recruiting for more members to join this friendly mob of guardians to team up in Raids, Strikes, Fire Teams etc; on all platforms.
We accept the parameters of the game that BUNGIE has made and the changes that they do and will make more of along the way are what they believe is for the betterment of the game that they have borne. Being an ELDER brings you to the realization that whining over change that you have no control over is a waste of good oxygen.
We are playing for fun and playing hard !, or not so hard sometimes, just before a Nanna Nap, then hard again.
We are non stressed COED veterans chillin, having a beer and having fun
Sounds great, would appreciate joining. Lvl 26 titan striker. 41 years old in central time zone.
Fully retired! Lots of time for gaming. My Titan is lvl30. My guess is I'm likely the oldest gamer recorded in the game.
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/137333 Go to this page and ask to join...Gen
Edited by HeartoftheDark: 12/9/2014 4:17:06 PM27 yo, got a real life and tired of being matched up with kids online. Want to join, please add me. GT is HeartoftheDark Lvl 27 titan, might start up a warlock
Gtag djay yoda Sounds like a cool clan - I would love to make new friends to play the daily or weekly heroics or nightfall!
Edited by YrWorstN1temare: 12/1/2014 9:00:46 PMI'd love to join if you don't mind new gamers. I'll freely admit Destiny is pretty much my first FPS game, and I have no pvp or group experience. But I do enjoy the game and don't know anybody on xbox one yet. Lvl 26 warlock Lvl 24 hunter
Glad to join you.
40 year old west coast gamer on Xbox1. Sounds just like the place I want to be. Have a 27 hunter and 27 Titan. Would love an invite. GT: CharadeX
[quote]ELoD..... The ELDERS of DESTINY a small band of elder COED gamer's are recruiting for more members to join this friendly mob of guardians to team up in Raids, Strikes, Fire Teams etc; on all platforms. We accept the parameters of the game that BUNGIE has made and the changes that they do and will make more of along the way are what they believe is for the betterment of the game that they have borne. Being an ELDER brings you to the realization that whining over change that you have no control over is a waste of good oxygen. We are playing for fun and playing hard !, or not so hard sometimes, just before a Nanna Nap, then hard again. We are non stressed COED veterans chillin, having a beer and having fun[/quote] Sounds like my sort of group im 31 and lookin for serious but fun gaming with guys my own age add me gt PS7CH0H0UND spelt with zeros not the letter o
Add me 48 year old ..titan 29..
Edited by X MEL15 X: 11/2/2014 10:49:56 PMHi need help with vog raids etc Warlock level 26 Add me please melimoocow Xbox one (uk)
Hi, please add me on X1, need a raid party that's a little more my age ;) cheers. GT is tezamistic