[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12295]Bungie Weekly Update - 10/17/2014[/url][/quote]Duck destiny I'm done! I ducking DO EVERYTHING my ducking full time played it's over a -blam!-ing over a week and a half! And what do I get? One piece of raid gear and it wasn't even for my -blam!-ing main! -_- I did the raid well over enough times and then my friends New to the game get raid gear FIRST DUCKING RAID! And I pushed atheon off 5 times! And what do I get? A DUCKING USELESS ASS SHIP! Who the duck wants a ship!!!!!!! And my friend a lvl 27 does it on hard gets the mythoclast -____- everybody I play with gets raid gear wile I'm stuck here getting NON STOP ENERGY! I'm done with destiny that game is B.S
Bye nobody will miss you