Seeing as we're getting a moon DLC with major offenses against the Hive and seeing as we have had plenty of time to run all rampant all over the moon, wouldn't it be great if the City deployed a group of titans of one of its orders to secure something like say, the abandoned colony base near the Hellmouth? It'd actually show that we're making some progress instead of feeling like a failing pest control company.
One could even add a new public event defending the new City outpost alongside these new friendly AI titans that do little more than act like the AI already in the game guarding their area. Occasionally, Fallen or Hive might attack them and you'd be able to see a firefight every time you enter the zone, making the world and moon seem more alive.
"Failing pest control" perfect.
I think this would be a really good idea, however I'm skeptical as to the chance of it actually ever happening.
It could be a little bit like the AI you fight alongside in Titanfall. Maybe during patrol you come across a vanguard outpost and the event is to defend against a fallen attack. If you defend and the AI survive you get an extra shard or energy.
Yea one on every planet Storage could be there along with some new vendors
I was having the same thoughts, hearing Zavala talk about "breaking the Cabal's grip on Freehold." Who cares about a city that's already dead (and Buried)? Information extraction on Venus was one thing, but Mars doesn't add up at all.
True, i do feel lonely. Maybe make a new town with themed weapons and armor for the location. Something to look at and think "huh, people." Maybe a safe haven in a desolate desert or a cave city.
Awesome idea. We know Bungie can do it. Hell, record some random dialogue, re-skin the various NPCs already there and make them non-hostile. Perfect.
I think you're onto something with that failing pest control company video game idea.
Great Idea - now only if Bungie will listen. They need to fix a few broken things first including auto match making, but agree this is a great idea.
Love the control idea.! and the Defend the Base Public event idea.
Edited by MixedHammer: 10/20/2014 8:40:24 AMMore npc yes. But...isn't the whole point of [i]guardians[/i] that [i]We are them[/i]? Like..the whole mmo thing? Could work if they're like lower Lvl vanguard staff NPC. ...Or FACTION OUTPOSTS! (I.e. Have new, claimable faction gear off earth) Edit : lol I realize, I may have read through your post too fast before posting
yes give this man a medal. and an open world pvp where you chould just melee them to start like borderlands
I agree, it would be interesting, the game lacks many npc installations that are clearly available throughout the planets.
I really want to see settlements out there that we can defend from enemies or take from enemies (or lose to enemies). The grimoire cards heavily imply that there are people living outside the city, so a few rescue missions would be a nice way to mix up the story.
I'm pretty sure we could have taken the whole moon's surface by now, at least of what surface we can access. we can have major military outposts near the entrances to the hell mouth to combat them from coming back out.
Love this idea the whole idea of that everything you do doesn't really have an effect is frustrating
I recall seeing leaked pictures a while back that were from inside the Reef, and showed the player being able to move about a lot like the Tower. They even showed some of the Fallen guards standing around at attention. I'm really just waiting to see what its like inside that graveyard city, but I get the feeling other outposts will pop up as new content arrives, which I look forward to.
Simple things like this bungie. Real easy, and would make the feel much more alive
I agree 100% I find it odd there aren't any guardian outposts that are active. All of the ones you "visit" in the story are just derelict buildings.
Great idea! I support this 100%
It would certainly be nice to have some feeling of progress. Just a little nod to let Ya know it was worth it. Id personally like to roam the city beneath the traveller. Meet the locals