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Edited by cbjoe: 10/22/2014 10:46:54 AM

Warlocks are the weakest class: do not play warlock (due to ARMOUR PERKS)

[b]When you start playing Destiny, your best bet is to make titan or hunter. Warlocks always end up weaker, [u]because the armor available to them is nowhere near as good[/u] as what other classes can equip.[/b] * For example, take the chest slot. My co-op buddy bought the [url=]Armamentarium[/url] titan chest armor from Xur at the weekend. This is clearly the most overpowered piece of gear in the game, and anyone can have it because Xur sells it: - Have TWO GRENADES!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Carry MORE ROCKETS!! - Carry countless extra sniper or shotgun rounds [b]Why don't warlocks have anything like that? Nothing for that class comes even close. This makes the game severely unbalanced. Players who make a titan character instead of a warlock character have a substantial advantage in every situation.[/b] * Another obvious example is the boot slot. Why the lack of exotic boots for the lock class? [b][url=]Exotic boots are available for all classes, -- but not for warlocks![/url][/b] Why? This results in less armour choice for warlocks and a net lack of perks obtained from armour. Titans get exotic boots. Hunters get exotic boots. Warlocks were overlooked. Bungie clearly put a lot of thought into titans and hunters, but self-evidently overlooked warlocks resulting in numerous disadvantages and oversights facing the class which all need to be addressed at some point. I have checked all available armor for each class. It's confirmed: warlocks have the worst gear. I don't mind there being great armor for other classes. What I do mind is that there is nothing that comes close for locks. Destiny was supposed to be a game in which one class does not have an advantage over the others. That is not the case, mainly due to unbalanced gear. Forget the negligible 1% buff or nerf that Bungie applies to improve balance. Look at the huge difference between gear available to different classes. I dearly hope Xur has [url=]Voidfang Vestments[/url] again this weekend. I didn't have enough coins for it the previous week, after buying Ice Breaker. I genuinely needed to buy IB when it was sold, because [url=]having played every day since day 1 I have literally never had any legendary or exotic weapon drops -- not even one[/url]! By comparison, my co-op buddy plays the same games as I do but and gets so much gear he has to shard it to clear space in his vault. Players who get drops don't know how lucky they are. When they switch weapons they are upgrading three weapons as they play. I have to waste kills on upgraded weapons until I save to buy a weapon from Xur or a Vendor. My co-op buddy doesn't usually buy charity handout gear from Xur, because he doesn't have to due to always getting drops, but I really do need it. EDIT:[b] This is a post about the imbalance of GEAR between classes. Nascent class balance is a more complex issue beyond the scope of this thread. [/b]However, the classes are well balanced in this game. If that were not so Bungie would have addressed that before the minor weapon balancing that we are seeing.

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  • Warlock has a perk for two grenades. Don't have to waste an armor slot for that... As for sniping IB is all you need. And shotguns are about as... Well nothing. They aren't really useful unless your in crucible.

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    2 Replies
    • Don't forget our warlocks melee can grant us over shields better than the defender titans #ilovemywarlock

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      5 Replies
      • Their all great classes

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by KalEl00161: 10/20/2014 12:02:15 PM
          No. Just no. Your entitled to your opinion, and if you want to just play as a Titan or Hunter, by all means go for it. But Warlocks are more than able to carry 2 grenades without an armor perk, you just have to level up your Sunsinger subclass. Plus, there is armor that allows you to carry more heavy and special ammo. Said armor might be RNG based in loot drops, and you might have to sacrifice a virgin to the gods of RNG to get it, but those pieces are available. All classes have their strengths and weaknesses, but for the most part, they are very comparable. It's not like most RPGs where you have dedicated Tank, DPS, and Healer roles. All classes are comparable.

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          • Edited by TWiSTED: 10/20/2014 12:02:14 PM
            I love playing my warlock. Warlocks are not weak because of their gear. If anything the warlock has it good. The hunter and titan have the alpha lupi chests while the lock gets a nifty helmet instead. Let's say you want raid gear. What's more likely? You getting a chest, gloves, boots? Or a helmet and two other raid pieces. The raid helmet is, in my experience, the hardest raid piece to get. Don't be jelly that your friend bought an armamentarium with the coins he earned, because odds are he won't get level 30 unless he does the hard raid and loots the raid helm from last boss.

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            • Edited by Hektik: 10/20/2014 12:02:43 PM
              I'm just curious. You do know warlock has a perc for double grenade that doesn't require an exotic to access? Now I'll admit that titan is the only class I know of that has an exotic armor item that gives two subclass percs for free. Not sure on hunters.

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              4 Replies
              • Why are you complaining about warlock gear? Have you seen them all? have you played any other classes besides warlock? Sounds like your just upset about one item the titan gets.

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                8 Replies
                • YOU couldnt be any more wrong LOL. My warlock chest lets me spawn with full grenade energy and improves my axion bolt. I can't tell you HOW many tripples I get off of axion bolt. I usually do fairly well in the cruicible as well.

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                  • Your an idiot the warlocks by far have the best gear their op

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                    3 Replies
                    • Curious if you have played 3 characters or just havin a bad experience with the class you chose

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                      2 Replies
                      • lol warlocks are weak they dont get cool gear perks! comment: except all of their class perks make them badasses edit: this post is about Geeeaar not the overall class that I didn't understand before complaining about it. ...dumby... lol

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                        • They don't need as good of armor, because they are a competitive class without it.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Whatttttttttt? The reason warlocks don't have that shit is because they don't need it if you think warlocks are weak go play Sunsinger than u won't suns infers have the highest damage per second of any class in the game and if you die wait self Rez think that anything even compares slightly u most likely have some issues.

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                            10 Replies
                            • Sorry but warlocks do just fine if you know how to use them. Not only do I have 2 grenades but I can revive myself when I die. Makes soloing nightfalls easy as hell. Every class has something bad about them.

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                              1 Reply
                              • Umm I'm a warlock and I can carry 2 grenades and my gear can let me hold up to 8 rockets, so your points are invalid.

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                                4 Replies
                                • Warlocks do have it. Titans need armor for two grenades, but warlocks can jusr equip a perk that gives them two grenade? Warlocks are clearly the most op class in the game

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • I call bullshit, as two if my friends recently made warlocks and they are better than ever in pve and pvp. Hate to tell you but all the classes have strengths and weaknesses, so learn use them right and you will kick ass

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • That's complete and utter bollox. I have a level 28 warlock, a level 26 hunter and a level 25 titan on my account, and I prefer the warlock over the other two hands down. The sunsinger has tremendous offensive power with his dual grenades and melee attack. On top of that he can revive himself if need be. Weapon wise there is no difference. I have never run out of ammo with it.

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Lol warlocks are perfectly fine.

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                                      • Loads of people are complaining warlocks are OVER powered but your claiming they're weaker? I think they are just as balanced as both the other classes.

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • And who the -blam!- confirmed it, you? Lol

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                                          2 Replies
                                          • You must be one shitty warlock

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                                            1 Reply
                                            • Sun singer gets two grenades and raid boots let me carry 7 rockets.. your argument is invalid. I enjoy playing with the warlock

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                                              5 Replies
                                              • Idk if this is a troll or not but it's seems like your the worst warlock in the game. And don't know how play. What will you ask bungie to Nerf for you since your so bad

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                                                6 Replies
                                                • O.o You're the first Player who said the warlock is up. Is stopped reading your text at the crying about the titan armor which giving you two grenades. You Sir, haven't play the warlock for a long time. The warlock can throw 2 grenades with the solar skilltree. I play the warlock since the beta and it is the best class imo. The exotic armor pieces maybe do not have that good perks like other classes but thats because the warlock is strong enough by himself. The armor pieces add some cool additions for specializing on one skilltree.

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                                                  5 Replies
                                                  • Lol, my warlock carry's 8 rockets and has two grenades, are you high or just stupid?

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