[b]When you start playing Destiny, your best bet is to make titan or hunter. Warlocks always end up weaker, [u]because the armor available to them is nowhere near as good[/u] as what other classes can equip.[/b]
* For example, take the chest slot. My co-op buddy bought the [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Armamentarium]Armamentarium[/url] titan chest armor from Xur at the weekend. This is clearly the most overpowered piece of gear in the game, and anyone can have it because Xur sells it:
- Have TWO GRENADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Carry countless extra sniper or shotgun rounds
[b]Why don't warlocks have anything like that? Nothing for that class comes even close. This makes the game severely unbalanced. Players who make a titan character instead of a warlock character have a substantial advantage in every situation.[/b]
* Another obvious example is the boot slot. Why the lack of exotic boots for the lock class? [b][url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2hv5xl/here_are_all_the_exotic_armor_pieces_sorted_by/]Exotic boots are available for all classes, -- but not for warlocks![/url][/b] Why? This results in less armour choice for warlocks and a net lack of perks obtained from armour. Titans get exotic boots. Hunters get exotic boots. Warlocks were overlooked. Bungie clearly put a lot of thought into titans and hunters, but self-evidently overlooked warlocks resulting in numerous disadvantages and oversights facing the class which all need to be addressed at some point.
I have checked all available armor for each class. It's confirmed: warlocks have the worst gear. I don't mind there being great armor for other classes. What I do mind is that there is nothing that comes close for locks. Destiny was supposed to be a game in which one class does not have an advantage over the others. That is not the case, mainly due to unbalanced gear. Forget the negligible 1% buff or nerf that Bungie applies to weapons.to improve balance. Look at the huge difference between gear available to different classes.
I dearly hope Xur has [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Voidfang_Vestments]Voidfang Vestments[/url] again this weekend. I didn't have enough coins for it the previous week, after buying Ice Breaker. I genuinely needed to buy IB when it was sold, because [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/73153066/0/0]having played every day since day 1 I have literally never had any legendary or exotic weapon drops -- not even one[/url]! By comparison, my co-op buddy plays the same games as I do but and gets so much gear he has to shard it to clear space in his vault. Players who get drops don't know how lucky they are. When they switch weapons they are upgrading three weapons as they play. I have to waste kills on upgraded weapons until I save to buy a weapon from Xur or a Vendor. My co-op buddy doesn't usually buy charity handout gear from Xur, because he doesn't have to due to always getting drops, but I really do need it.
EDIT:[b] This is a post about the imbalance of GEAR between classes. Nascent class balance is a more complex issue beyond the scope of this thread. [/b]However, the classes are well balanced in this game. If that were not so Bungie would have addressed that before the minor weapon balancing that we are seeing.
Lol warlock over everything. Titan is the worst choice. If you think the warlock is the worst you're sadly mistaken.
Pretty sure the boots aren't in game yet.
First off the warlock is a balanced character and is a very good character I do very well in PVP with my warlock and it's just fine in raids. It's also based on personal preference.
Have you seen heart of the praxic Fire, I thought that was better than armamentarium. You can spam twice as many grenades, and carry a lot of extra ammo.
But Warlocks can have multiple grenades without having to have an exotic chest piece. This allows me to use something far better. Additionally, if a Sunsinger uses the Voidfang Vestments in PvP, even though it is obvious by both name and perk, they can spawn after every single death and with two grenades as well. But hey, if you suck ass with a Warlock, I don't have to let you know of the power they can have.
I wreck with warlocks in all aspects of the game. It's more likely that warlocks are not the class for you and a Titan would be a more suitable class for you
You do know locks have a perk for double nads right? Self res etc. At the beg of them yes they suck. Once you level perks up they are great.
Edited by JD: 10/22/2014 5:20:53 PMWeakest? Warlocks can have the highest armor and recovery out of any class and they can self rez lol.
Armor isn't everything, n00b.
All classes have their perks as well as gear. I have no problems with the exotic gear for the warlock nor do I for the titan. Yes they may get more ammunition for their character but what use is it to them when a warlock blasts him with a nova bomb or uses radiance to revive/reduce incoming damage to them with and extra shield you get from melee? As far as exotic boots not sure where you are gathering your information from because all classes have just about the same amount of exotic gear for each slot. Why would they change that here soon? Makes no sense. P.S. A warlocks nova bomb can take out a titans bubble. Just saying
I agree
Warlocks need armour from Xur with perks that give them abilities of other classes. Invisibility boots would fix the imbalance.
Warlocks are the most over power in the game you just suck. No one has exotis boots everyone has the same about of gear and almost the same armor. If u want more amo drops get a gear that lets u carry more.
There are no exotic boots yet in the game for any class. As it is, i have 2x Warlocks and i would not want to change them for Titan or Hunter, Hunter is fun in pvp but thats where it ends, Titan, yeah don't want one. I do share your point of view about how crappy our exotics are, they enhance our powers where Titans get additional perks or upgraded perks but at the end of the day my friend titan with Armamentarium chest item has 120 ish bullets total for his Vex Mythoclast, my heart of Praxic Fire boosts my Fusion ammo out ot 210 total ammo, its quite significent.
I have two titans and a warlock. Warlocks are better. They just are. Their moves are ALL BETTER THAN A TITANS.
Edited by iamthevvolf: 10/22/2014 2:18:26 PMI can appreciate the effort you put into your research and posts, however I would say that all classes are almost entirely balenced. You should play as the other 2 classes and you will see. I would say titan has the slightest advantage in most situations, warlock is in the middle with great powers, heavy damage, and self revive, then hunter has a slight disadvantage in most situations. It is a slight diffrence, and it is based off how you play. With the hunter you need to be a tactical player to do best. Also although you have about 100 hours played that is really not a huge amount in comparison to many other players. Play nightfall, weekly heroic on level 28, and do the VoG. Then you will get exotics.
Edited by Sl-liN0Bl: 10/22/2014 8:04:43 AM[b]Warlock[/b]: Ranged special [b]Titan[/b]: NO ranged special [b]Warlock[/b]: Ranged melee [b]Titan[/b]: NO ranged melee (Shoulder Charge is badass fun tho lmao! Not so fun when a shotgun puts us down) [b]Warlock[/b]: Homing grenades [b]Titan[/b]: NO homing grenades [b]Warlock[/b]: Teleportation [b]Titan[/b]: NO teleportation
Edited by djbelter: 10/22/2014 3:28:35 PMWhatever pal, I'd rather have my 7 gjallarhorns and 35 fusion rifle ammo against Atheon than 1 extra grenade. (which as pointed out below, I have anyway with sunslinger) even on pvp 1 nade makes such a small difference compared to the extra fusion ammo. In summary, praxis poo's on armamentarium.
Heh. [spoiler]Nope.[/spoiler]
Heart of praxic fire chestpiece gives you extra rockets and an extra grenade so in that respect its exactly the same as armamentarium
I just got an exotic chest armor for my warlock that significantly reduces cool down of all sunsinger abilities when powers activate. Talk about unlimited grenades.. :D Also the titan chest armor with dbl grenades is ugly to look at.. lol
U need to do more research.....
They do the most over all dmg via more usefull supers in raid ...
Sunsinger self-revival. *drops mic*
Warlock here. We already have all that good stuff in perks. Why do we need extra stuff in armor perks?
You must not know how to play then...