originally posted in:Xbox One
GT: SilverSTi
Looking for laid back people to do all aspects of the game. Level 25 warlock and I am 37. I am always on as long as my little ones don't want my attention more.
Temple of the Traveler so far have members from different parts of the U.K, U.S and Australia. We only accept members aged 17+ for PS4, 360 & X1 (no PS3) We're a mature and laid back PS4 and Xbox clan than takes part in all aspects of the game, most of us are aged 25-40 we're friendly and active, social and helpful, we raid at the weekend and are looking to make more raid groups for week days too, we need English speaking people who are also friendly, social and active to boost our numbers, anyone wanting to join our clan go to http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Playstation/527922 please be sure to select the respective Xbox/Ps4 tab at the top of the clan page then request to join clan. Thanks.
Sent request. Hope to be added. Game on MST
Add me I'm trying to find a good fireteam as well. Stormcloak91. I'm 22 have a lvl 21 hunter
Same here, 37 and wife and son. Looking for a steady group of partyplayers to do vog or night. When they dont want my attention, play every day after 17u gm