I only have Titans at the moment but played with a Hunter in the beta and got one up to level 11 bladedancer then deleted it to raid with more Titans, so I have a small understanding of at least the Titans and Hunters.
I think that most of the complaining is getting bested on PVP. No one likes dying in PVP. Like I said I'm mainly a Titan and I even yell at my TV when a Titan supers me and i call him all sorts of names I won't list so it wont get "Blammed". So when most of these people die on PVP they have their computer with them so they can post stuff like this on the forums instantly without having some cool down time afterwards to think it over. "Hey a super is supposed to be SUPER, I'm sure mine is just as annoying to other classes or even people of the same class." Hunter supers are about 100% PVP for both subclasses, Titans are about 60% PVP and 40% PVE and well just being honest but Voidwalker is insane on PVP and PVE, and Sunsinger is badass in PVE especially when you're team might wipe otherwise, and sunsinger is kind of annoying in PVP(but remember I haven't played as Warlock so this is a little biased).
Just the complaining in general gets annoying. If you're running around with a shotgun and auto rifle don't complain if you get sniped or hit with a scout rifle. Same goes with complaining about getting shotgunned in close quarters when you're not prepared or using a scout rifle and snipe. This is when Bungie sees people complaining about things and think they need to be nerfed. IMO pvp was perfect the way it was when it was released(this also means I had no problem with how Vex Mytho(I cheesed Aetheon and now it really does seem like people are getting them like candy)). Which is why it's a good thing they are going to look at retooling some of the weapons for PVE.
Final Note: Just play the game. Before you go onto the forums to complain about the OPness of a weapon or class just think for a second about how OP all the supers are and the fact that you play as a class that has at least one. Also before complaining about a weapon that you think is OP, I'm sure there has been an instance where you've killed someone and they thought you're weapon was OP. BTW just about everything about PVP is leveled out. Me and a friend have gone into PVP with the first auto rifle you get in the game and as level 10's and gotten first and second place, it's all about aiming for the head.
Edited by hashtagFelix: 10/20/2014 11:31:51 AMFinaly someone with a brain, thank god you restort my faith