Incorrect, Warlock is not the weakest class, it just doesn't have any exotic gear that is beneficial to its super like the other classes. The helms give health or reduced damage when activating super but nothing to better it, the only thing that Warlock has is the Heart of the Praxic Fire which is only for Sunsinger. Voidwalker? improved grenade... that doesn't improve it...
to summarize: Warlock = strong class... Warlock Exotic Armor = pretty god damn useless
I did not say warlock is the weakest class. My post is about gear. My post is about the imbalance of gear between classes. The specs on paper are indisputable. The warlock is at a serious disadvantage. Armour is seriously imbalanced between classes. Certain items for some classes have no counterpart for other classes, leaving the game markedly unbalanced overall. The classes are balanced, apart from armour.