You my friend failed to read the post to which you attempted to reply. Now, that is ignorant.
My post is about armour. Not the class. Armour is seriously imbalanced between classes. Certain items for some classes have no counterpart for other classes, leaving the game markedly unbalanced overall.
The classes are balanced, apart from armour.
Ok that is what I was trying to explain the armour boosts cool downs on the abilities i did forget to leave that out but that's what makes the sunsinger so good but the void walker armour sucks and that's why most don't run void walker
Look at the examples in my post. Titans have a very good chest armour piece and nothing for locks comes close.
Heart of praxic fire???? It instantly refreshes grenades and the locks grenades are op
Edited by cbjoe: 10/20/2014 2:33:34 PMI'm guessing you've never equipped that armor or even read about that piece of armour. What made you think it instantly refreshes grenade?? A perk dependent on the super is not the same as a perk available at all times. Also, the word "instant" means no time passes. If that were the case it would be the same as what the titan armour does (and worded differently).
Actually I have it ever thought about trying to spec your character on his strengths
If you know that Praxis is not the same as Armamentarium, then you agree with me.
Yes never said it was the same