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Edited by NeroAngelo: 10/20/2014 4:55:07 PM

Are helpful people a dying breed?

why is it so difficult to find people actually willing to help and just have fun with? so what if you wipe a few times, shits n giggles ... and to people saying it's because they don't like wasting time , guess what? you're playing a game! you already are wasting time! what happened to just playing for fun, why is it being replaced by "i can do it faster" or "i have more kills!" it's co-op , yet seems many people forgot what co-op is :( Edit: My faith in online gamers has been restored ! thanks to all the wonderful replies! and hope to see you all online guardians!

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  • Looking for new inexperienced raiders. I am taking a group of people that havent downed the raid into VoG and helping them down it. if you want in let me know!

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    3 Replies
    • Some people simply don't have time to hold your hand. I for one do not, especially if I don't know you. If it's a friend that I know, then yeah that's different, but some random person on the interwebs? Nope, sorry I'm all about efficiency. If YOU want to play for fun and not really care about what you're doing then that's fine. However, when I play, for me to have "fun" means succeeding in the activites I set out to do during that time, whether it be bounties, VoG, Nightfall, Heroic Weekly, or whatever else. If I'm not completing some sort of objective and just wiping over and over that's not fun to me at all. Also, I will argue that playing a game is "wasting" time. Everyone needs some sort of release and time to themselves, whether that be reading a book, going to the gym, going to a bar, playing a video game, etc. So it can easily be argued that it's not wasting time because your able to keep your sanity.

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    • They are extinct, buddy.

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    • I have joined some randoms and they've been pretty helpful and patient. One group even took us through the raid, taught us tips/tricks, and showed us how to defeat Atheon even when they weren't getting anything out of it. It was awesome and I appreciate it. I do the same when I can. I like playing the game with people that want to have fun and and don't go psycho if you die.

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    • I am generally up for anything. Maybe not running the raid for those I don't know, but pretty much anything else I will do multiple times if people need a hand and message me.

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    • I agree.

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    • Edited by PizzaMan725: 10/21/2014 5:01:21 PM
      I think it is all fun and GAMES. But i do think people take things for granted way too often. I did my first raid with a good group last friday, it was an invite from a member on my clan that I do strikes/daily/bounties/kill random shit. That knew I had never done it and was finally gear and level ready to attempt my first whack at the raid. I waited till I was 28 with my IceBreaker maxed with an almost maxed shadow price. Maybe I waited to long but whatever, I like to be prepared. I also watched vids and made sure I kinda had a general clue as to not drag everyone else down. Back on point, so joined up friday was the only person to not try the raid, but at least we where all level 28+. At opening everyone said the top was easiest so I took top and had no problem keeping it and sometimes helping when I could. For everything else just followed orders and tried not to die too many times. Except for atheon, that gave me some trouble because I forgot the freakin harpies exploded so it took me a second. Tried the away team and found I was pretty good so at killing oracles so I stayed with that. Overall felt I wasn't a complete drag and got invites from the rest of the team so, yay me. Long rant to say that it isn't about helping out people. But thoes people need to understand what is going on or atleast follow their teams so they don't turn an hour, possible hour 30 raid into a 9 hour raid. Because then at that point it the only giggling I would be doing is over a guardians corpse. Just saying.

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    • I can only speak for myself. I really enjoy helping people out. However, if you ask for my help on the raid and i bring 4 of my friends in to get you and your buddy through it and none of us can get anything because this is like the 5th time through helping people...don't waste my time! I expect you to die a lot since you're a lower level. I expect you to take some time to explore since you've never been here. I do not expect that after 3 explanations and 45 minutes into the atheon fight for you to say "wait, what am i supposed to be doing?" Almost the same circumstances, i dont expect you to get off of the mic and go afk for 5 minutes without telling anyone during atheon and then spend the next 20 minutes whining that you're screen is black and you don't know what to do. You would know if you'd been part of the team, and you would have found out after if you literally shut that useless hole in you face for 2 minutes so we could explain it for the 4th time! I've had more good groups i helped through than bad ones. Those 2 unfortunately are the most memorable. I still like helping people, but only if they respect the fact that i'm helping and it's not okay to waste my time due to negligence. We don't have to speed run, you don't need to have as many kills than me, but you do need to pay attention and make some kind of effort to contribute to the team.

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      2 Replies
      • I had already done the raid last week, and some guys needed a 6th, so I joined in and helped out with my 28 Titan. Then one of those guys helped me with the Nightfall strike after. Helpful people are still around, just a little harder to find with all the selfish people in this community.

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      • My raid group was planning on 5 manning the whole VoG normal raid, because one of the members didn't show up, as we were opening the gate some random level 25 was helping. So i sent him an invite to the party, turns out he never done the raid before and was happy to be dragged through. He didn't do to bad either. Free loot for him. An extra gun shooting for us! WIN-WIN

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        • Edited by Lannik: 10/21/2014 3:30:48 PM
          I put together 3 PuG Raids a week for Normal Mode VoG. New players are more than welcome, but please be at least 27 if you've never cleared Vault before (very easy to hit 27 with no raid gear). If you're 26, please have multiple full clear Exp & Oracle Disrupters. Only other requirements are a microphone and the ability to follow instructions. I don't really care how many times on hard you've cleared it if [i]your[/i] way if you can't follow [i]my[/i] instructions. Avg Clear Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes.

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          • Oh I can't stand this attitude in the game, I never personally help anyone and here's why??? 1. No one helped me with any of my 3 characters. 2. I found and made friends in game on destiny why don't you. 3. Many times I'm on my own lil mission like yday I was trying to level up my level 25 Hunter when one of my friends jumps in my game and demands that I get my level 30 warlock and help him with Raid on hard :0 like really dude. 4. If I wanted to do the raid with you I would, why must I do what I don't want to make you happy, were gamers not a married couple 5. With just the tiniest bit of common sense a team is so easy to put together 6. God helps those who help themselves 7. Because it's a waste of time and it's not the reason why I turned my console on (also see point 3 above for further clarification) 8. Do I need more reasons or is it no matter what I say, I guess your character development will always be more important than mine and no matter what I should always help other before myself even tho no ones helping me

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            7 Replies
            • after 9 hours of trying to beat the raid I don't and shouldn't have to tell you I have lost my nerves

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            • I'll help I help all the time 360 GT: A Grand Keizer

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            • Don't despair! There are still some helpful people out there......Destiny is full of helpful people just waiting for the chance to help their fellow guardians. [spoiler] Not me though, i -blam!-ing hate helping other people, god damned noobz, let somebody else do that shiz. Burn them at the stake and throw their carcasses into the hellmouth i say. [/spoiler]

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              • Lol so true. When I try to find people on this app you mess around n get wiped a few times and they just leave. I'm one of the people that loves to screw around and help. Hell if you don't believe me I raided last week 7 times to help people knowing that you can only get drops from each raid difficulty once per week. Durin the labyrinth I was popped my super n got caught lol. It was funny bcuz this guy blam his pants and i lmao. This guy got so and he just left even though we were only at the beginning. I think finding friendly people that like to mess around sometimes is nearly impossible nowadays.

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              • I know what you mean, back in 07 people where so much nicer and I was able to make friends. But its been about 3 years since I got a new friend I want to play with and enjoy my time

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              • Edited by camander 007: 10/21/2014 2:55:13 PM
                We are not a dying breed We are just rare to be seen I usually sit at the tower and wait for people to invite But I am usually using my mic to let people know

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              • I always attempt to help when possible, I run VoG twice a week and every run I end up with 1-3 people who have never done it before. I always explain to them before anything that I'm very laid back, I love to just joke around and have a good time. Wiping happens, no one's perfect, let's just have fun. I also run the weekly/nightfall for people to help them if they ask me :D I would say we're not quite a dying breed, just really rare unfortunately.

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              • I am currently looking for 360 players from the UK, or who can be on around 8pm GMT. Helped 2 raid teams finish the vault last week, hopefully doing more this week If its your first time, your gonna die, but thats OK, just try and learn from your mistakes and its all good!

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              • When you enjoy wasting time, it's time well wasted. If you're not enjoying the time wasted, it's a waste of time. Personally, I don't like wasting my time

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                • I was running the summoning pits normal strike for a bounty, ended up in a fire team with two people trying to do the thorn exotic bounty. I explained to them they had to do the one off lvl 26 strike to get it. I then jumped in and helped them get it.

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                • No just a quiet one

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                • To an extent I would say yes. To me personally the Raid feels more like a chore, I have 80 shards and when all you get is crap rewards you start to get a bit tired of it. I do help my friends out every once in a while but not nearly as much as when the Raid first came out

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                • Edited by TigBits: 10/21/2014 2:07:48 PM
                  Last night - I got to join a pretty experienced group to do VoG - I had only done it once before but I was told exactly what to do the first time - This time, I had to "take the training wheels off" - it was harder, and I made some mistakes, but they told me what I did wrong and explained the right way to do things - they didnt get mad or all pissy about it - we came back and owned them the next time Last night again - got a lvl 29 to help run me through the heroic weekly on my 26 titan - yes, I could have solod it by cheesing the whole thing but that would have taken too long - the best part is he had already done the weekly, just saw my plea for help on destinylfg and decided to help me out - (Mad props to you if your reading this!) Finally, same situation with the heroic daily - had someone a ran a strike with once on my friend list, he joined my game to help me do the 28 daily because he saw I was lvl 26 - again coulda done it myself, but it made things better Point is, even if i wasnt the same way as these guys, their actions would have turned me into a player like this - So I will help whenever possible, even if its shooting you in the head to get your attention for a chest!

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                • I am slowly becoming more Vault-competent as time goes. I will soon be offering help over and above completing the run for myself, because frankly its the prettiest most interesting thing to do in the game. More people need to see it.

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