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originally posted in: 1 for the cod boys
10/20/2014 6:47:29 PM
So you've seen this on every game that's also burnt and crashed when (perceived flaw) well flawS ruin it and a better game comes along? Thanks for validating my opinion bud

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  • Edited by Mojo33: 10/20/2014 7:00:19 PM
    I validated nothing, "bud". I said, in every game, "no matter how good/poor", and most of those are still up and running to this day, literally years after their predicted failure. Face it, you're not even the first person to make these claims about THIS game. lol. People predicted Destiny would die when Shadow of Mordor launched, and then again when the new Borderlands came out. And yet, last I checked, Destiny servers were still up and running. Games don't die as easy as you doomsayers seem to believe. There are, and always will be players who don't like a game (ANY game), and there will always be some of those unhappy players who will pull out their imaginary crystal ball, and predict it's demise. I just thought I'd save the next one the trouble of typing it all out again for the next supposedly "doomed" game. You're welcome.

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  • And you said every game, some have crashed meaning the realists of those games were right

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  • Did you know that if you gave a room full of monkeys typewriters and they were given an infinite amount of time they would reproduce the entire written works of Shakespeare? True story.

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  • They would most likely smash the typewriters

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  • I wonder if my point was lost on you.

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  • I understood your point completely. I think you missed me bypass your "subtle" attempt at humour, I give 1 million years dungeon. Plenty of time to git gud and come back once you've wiped the dribble off your chin

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  • Was that supposed to be a coherent thought?

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  • You actually understand what coherent means? -blam!- I just lost a dollar to myself. Please speak some more extensive linguistics, I would love to have my mind blown more than once today

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  • You are one of saltiest people I've seen on here lately, and that is quite the statement considering your competition.

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  • Wow that's a pretty legendary title. I don't know if I can keep living up to those extreme expectations

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  • Based on everything you've written thus far, I'm quite sure your position is secure.

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  • Cool, I wouldn't want some up and comer taking it off me

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  • *Sigh* Read what you want into it. I really don't care. EVERY game dies [i]eventually[/i], so posting "Destiny will die..." is bound to come true, sooner or later. Nothing lasts forever. Congratulations, that makes you a prophet, I guess, and if that provides you with the validation you seek, then... You're welcome! (again)

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  • Edited by The Turned: 10/20/2014 8:10:16 PM
    Thank you. And I'm not gonna call myself a prophet white African space Christ that's for other people to say

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  • I was inclined to more of a slow die off as these games are released. No one game will ever wipe servers of others

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