I’m writing this to you as you’re our community manager and therefore operate as the middle-man for community feedback to the developers and vice versa. There are several things that I and others in the community have requested be taken into consideration concerning updates to Destiny. We’re asking for some transparency in the progress in these requests. For instance, are such modifications to the UI and controls coming first, then add-ons for content coming next? Are the developers working in an internal testdev environment or actually planning to have the users test changes to get better stats? In general what are you allowed to disclose to us and what things can’t you speak of?
If I could suggest an order, I’d probably say that changes in the UI in the form of themes (a la how Microsoft Windows OS has themes) would be the easiest and quickest to do first, then add-ons such as different weapons types and more character customization would be next, then additional content in the form of new game-types and/or environment updates such as NPCs in the form of vendors and outposts (with live events tied to them) and lastly balancing of gameplay mechanics. I understand that a product like this would continually have updates, but some would be in the form of one major update (i.e. Patch 3.0) and subsequent smaller updates that build upon the major (i.e. Patch 3.22).
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