1.) destiny's gun play is better
2.) destiny's graphics are better
3.) destiny's vault is better
4.) destiny's vehicles are better
5.) the look of destiny's weapons/armor is way better
6.) destiny doesn't have forced "comical" dialogue from an annoying robot with a screechy voice
7.) destiny has different guild rank ups with different weapons/armor that you can choose to match your play style
8.) destiny has PVP
9.) destiny's classes are far more rewarding when using abilities/supers
10.) destiny is destiny and borderlands has dropped in playability since after BL1 .....
10,9,6,5,4,2 are all bullshit just saying
1.) Arguable, I prefer Borderlands because there's none of this aim-assist garbage 2.) Arguable, you're comparing apples and oranges 3.) Destiny's "Vault" is better? Than what? 4.) Factually incorrect. Borderlands has better vehicles because you can actually shoot from them and customize the colors how you want in far more colors and styles. 5.) Arguable at best, downright wrong at worst (seriously, some of the end game armors in Destiny are laughable). AND, Borderlands beats Destiny into the floor with the ugly stick by allowing you to customize your character the way you want, which is an option entirely absent from Destiny (aside from 20 awful looking shaders). 6.) Borderlands has far more memorable characters than Destiny. Whether or not you personally like them is beside the point. 7.) Guilds to match your playstyle? They're all basically the same with incredibly minor tweaks as to which specific weapon perk you want. Not to mention it's an arbitrary system that pads out game-time by climbing slower than an arthritic sloth. 8.) Destiny's PvP is the worst PvP out of all the current AAA PvP games. It has the least number of options with the least number of weapons, no clan functionality and no custom matches of any sort. So I wouldn't be touting that in Destiny's favor. It's tacked on at best. 9.) No. You're flat out wrong. The supers in this game don't feel game changing. Yeah every couple of minutes you use a power that may kill the mob of thralls slightly faster than you would have taken to shoot them. Whoop-de-frickin-doo. Borderlands has larger skill trees with more powerful "supers" AND a whole slew of passive bonuses BASED ON THE GUNPLAY. Which, you know, is how it should be in an FPS. 10.) Borderlands has increased in playability since BL1 considering BL2 was in improvement in every way upon the original.
Borderlands has one skill tree per ch with 3 branches as of now destiny has 2 and the options are more numerous already w out the 3 sub
Borderlands story made me CAPTIVATED it had emotional content it was fun creepy exciting I was engaged with my class who had personality I'm a black guy and I felt more in tune with axton (she was a bitch anyway ax you don't need her lol) excellent character design I hated handsome jack, had a crush on Lilith( still want to know more about the sirens) and shed a little tear over Tina's heartbreak and those bosses were EPIC with all this said I blame Activision they are evil and tripped up bungie regardless were here with an awesomely forged vehicle with no character! Trickle charge the story I guess!
No... Just no
This. Is. Perfect.
Edited by OblivionReloaded: 10/21/2014 9:00:12 PMThis post has to be the most idiotic one I have ever seen on the forums. Your 10 reasons are so lacking and bullshit you should rather refrain from posting. The Borderlands franchise is so epic and such a legend that not many shooters can stand next to it. Having 3 friends and myself battling on pandora for hours on end gave me some of the best laughs and memories in gaming. The game is so charismatic! Destiny is a cool game and I enjoy it but it no where near comes close to borderlands. Look at all the game time and content borderlands give you opposed to this shit we got from bungie. Look at the dlc borderlands offers compared to what is coming in december. Destiny has some way to go before its nearly as good as borderlands. Also notice how borderlands community is not attacking its devs? Shows they made a game that all love compared to destiny where half of the community hate it and the other half like it. Now it may look like a am just hating on destiny but I am not. I do enjoy this game I just feel the content is not there and the dlc's so far look bland. I really wanna see destiny do well... but will bungie/activision be to much of money grabbing whores and sell you stuff that continues to have very little content. Borderlands is the DD MILF tits while destiny is the saggy old man boobs
Souch borderlands fanboy
Yeah I am a fan if the game. What I said is still true and calling me a fan boy does not insult me if that was your intention. I would rather tell bungie their game is not good and have then try fix it with the feedback then mindlessly saying its all good and have no change happen.
I have to say borderlands 1 was amazing. Borderlands 2 was bleh, they forced humor too much, dropped replay ability for me, but I will agree the end game was better, but nothing else.
K thanks for replying and letting us know your bias bs reply... Notice how the original poster said name the reasons YOU think are better, also notice how I didn't mention story... You might want to refrain from posting in the future because you sound dumb.
Edited by OblivionReloaded: 10/21/2014 9:19:37 PMLol who said I was replying in order to the original post? I sound dumb? Coming from the guy who brings up graphics as a better reason lol you then say the graphics don't count but actually do in another post. You have no idea whats going on. My reply is bias bs you say however the FACT is that borderlands does give more content than this. The amount of content in the borderlands 1 or 2 has more content in it at its vanilla state than destiny and its 2 dlcs coming. Your reasons to thinking why destiny is better is so bad that I had to re read you post to make sure you were not actually joking and I missed it
You cant really xonpare art style when they went for two diffrent things. Destiny wanted that real feeling, and borderlands wants a comic-book style
Don't forget destiny is next gen BL is not destiny has better PvP and end game!
Destiny's PvP is abysmal. Seriously, it's the worst AAA multiplayer I've ever seen. It has three game modes (teamdeathmatch and small teamdeathmatch count as one, then domination and free-for-all). That's pathetic. There's no clan options, no custom matches, nothing. And no, Destiny is not "next gen". It came out on next gen consoles, but that's literally as "next gen" as the game gets.
Destiny isn't just nextgen though
BL is still only last gen destiny is so awesome its every gen lol
there wouldn't be much difference only faster loads of new areas and detail also no Destiny PC version, kind of means that you are limited in what you can do
Edited by Azarath: 10/20/2014 11:44:17 PMAll those reasons are shit
1-4 and 8 are good reasons the rest are tosh 5/5 *emails cookie*
Not that I disagree with you but when you say something like "Graphics" are "Better" it becomes purely subjective and ruins your point. I do like destiny a whole lot but I have always loved the way borderlands games look.
No gameplay is subjective, graphics are not lol... Graphics in BL have never bothered me... But I can safely say that destiny's are far superior to borderlands.... Really I did love BL 1 and 2 although I thought 1 was better...
Edited by Fox: 10/20/2014 8:09:10 PMPerhaps, but whether you think those graphics make the game inherently better than another [i]is[/i] subjective, which is the issue at hand here. "Is one game better the other?"