I'm probably missing something, so help me out. When someone joins my game, they will sometimes send a message or something to join party chat. What's the point? I can hear you just fine in game chat, and I don't want to hear other people that may be in the party but not the game anyway. And with game chat, I can see peoples' names at the bottom of the screen so I know who is talking, which is VERY helpful in Raid communication.
So, why do some people still insist on party chat?
With the amount of times someone in my party gets DCd, party chat is great for staying in communication until they can rejoin the fireteam. In every raid I've done and most of the full Crucible teams I've played on, someone always gets booted. Plus, I find Destiny's chat to be intermittently broken. When Destiny improves their side of the online gaming, I'd use in game chat more. Until then, party chat wins, hands down.