[quote]How do I turn off auto aim/ aim assist? I hate it with a passion because it messes me up more often than not.[/quote]
Received a lot of response on this in help. I was told by Bungie help to add to the feedback forum.
In general, players were annoyed that auto aim is mandatory. Auto aim is frustrating because it can often harm your aim or get you killed (rockets).
EDIT: Share your aim assist troubles please. The Struggle is real.
I cant stand the aim assist to be honest. I cant tell you how many times in PVE where I am using either a sniper rifle or rocket launcher, got my shot all nice and lined up and what happens? A lone troll mob crosses said line of fire, aim assist goes into troll mode just as I pull the trigger and begins following troll mob. Som assist NEEDS to be optional, that is a basic standard.