why is it so difficult to find people actually willing to help and just have fun with? so what if you wipe a few times, shits n giggles ... and to people saying it's because they don't like wasting time , guess what? you're playing a game! you already are wasting time!
what happened to just playing for fun, why is it being replaced by "i can do it faster" or "i have more kills!"
it's co-op , yet seems many people forgot what co-op is :(
Edit: My faith in online gamers has been restored ! thanks to all the wonderful replies! and hope to see you all online guardians!
Bravo. You're right as far as I'm concerned. I think the developers and gamers are responsible for creating an environment that rewards a more hostile approach. Competition to be number one is valued above all else. I think working 'cooperatively' with a decent group of people would be great! And having folks who really enjoy sharing their skills - the highest praise go out to those!! Whoever out there devoted to help and having fun - I'd give you all a Marvel " No Prize!* *For those old enough to know what one of those is.