I usually help when i have the time(finished everything. I can do for the day/week), yesterday i was doing bounties to max out my atheon's epilogue, which i was able to do, and i saw a message from someone doing the devils lair weekly strike. They wrote "can you please help me" so i jumped in and we got it done pretty quickly. I think i was the only one he asked from the people around us because i was the only level 30 there. After we completed it he wrote "thank you so much". i like helping others and like seeing people who appreciate what others do for them. I already did the strike on max level 3 times on 3 characters so i wasn't gaining something from it in case anyone was wondering. If you help out others, others might help you.
Pay it forward is my motto. Had someone carry me/teach me through a nightfall on 28. I was only 26 and had crap for weaponry. Now that I'm 28 I do the same for others. Frequently I'll get messages asking if I need help now from those people I helped earlier. I'm grateful for all these positive people in Destiny.