Then why is there new people coming on and commenting?
Hmmm....... Checkmate
On a side note however I would like to tell you that you are a keyboard warrior trying act like badass on the internet by being so ballsy as to throw homophobic slurs at other people. I hope that your having a bad day and taking out your frustration in words. If this isn't the case you are just in general a terrible person and I've no desire to continue a conversation with someone that is for lack of a better term bitchy.
You're a fruit Cuz its a fact? You're the one tryna be an edgy know it all on a forum. Git rekt for having no life little kid
Lol typical Bungie fanboy. Your brain is so slow it can only be brought to be saying the same insults over and over again. Does it hurt to be stupid? Does it hurt so bad that you have to project your insecurities onto others? Now I don't expect an actual coherent thought from you as your clearly a very dumb individual and I suspect that your next response will include another way to say the same insult you've said before and quite frankly I'm only replying to you because it bumps my thread every time and I can laugh at more butt hurt individuals such as yourself.Now you may be asking yourself why are these replies so long? Too which I'll say that I think the more you read the more it hurts your brain and even then I doubt that you'll read most of this before spouting off another insult.