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10/21/2014 8:14:36 AM
Good analysis. But... True. Played WoW extensively. My post is not about nascent class balance. It is purely about ARMOR balance. There is room for improvement and I call on Bungie to balance the example I gave, e.g. by buffing warlock chest armour. The naked classes are very well balanced, despite the high complexity in doing so. You can pretend that the game's balance is currently perfect if you prefer. Bungie will be making adjustments. Player feedback will inform those adjustments.

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  • Yet your argument remains invalid, you say the Titan chest, armamentarium is one of the best exotics? YOU CAN SPEC INTO THAT PERK. Sure it gives extra heavy and special ammo, like 5 shots of special and 2 rockets. That's bleh dude. I don't see how you can complain. Warlocks voidfang vestments are awesome for pvp and pve. Axion bolt is an amazing grenade.

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  • The classes are well balanced. If they are not, arnour perks is not the way to address that. If they are, the example I gave creates an imbalance. Either way, Bungie needs to tweak something. The real problem is very clear on paper.

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  • No it's not clear.

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  • I don't believe it is. You don't understand that if what you just said in your reply was true, it would be the TITAN that was getting shafted. They need an exotic to catch up to what a warlock can do by just speccing into sunsinger. This means that sunsingers have what you say to be one of the best Titan exotic's perks AND their own unique exotic perk. Rethink your logic and admit that you are wrong man. Stop copy and pasting messages assuming that I don't have a solid point.

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  • Raid Armor balances things out nicely, but the Warlock is already the strongest of all the characters so the weaker armor(when it comes to attributes) is understandable.

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  • All true. Pre-raid lock gear is imbalanced.

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  • Not by much when it comes to the Warlock's default strength. Like I said, it's the strongest one out of the three.

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  • If you believe that the classes are imbalanced and one is more powerful than the others (I strongly disagree) and then use that as an argument to justify other classes getting better gear, where do you draw the line? If there is an issue with class balance and one class is more powerful than the others, gear is obviously not the way to address that.

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