agreed with you Ajaani Goldmane ! even at 28 you're just getting savage messages/invites (psn) and/or ingame invite because of your lvl (tired to receive friend invites when i don't even know the person and no messages...serious guys stop that shit). i already rushed 4 nightmare in a day, too boring + in 2 raids in a row with newgamers so this means, explain everything, wipe x100 and a raid that turn into [rec] movie for around 4h -.-
People want help because they DON'T want to think/try alone under their "it's a social multiplayer game" excuse. This is making crazy. My question is : you guys (ppl that ALWAYS need help, event to go to toilets) always asking high lvl to help you with your low ones ? why? d'ont tell me it isnt to rush the storyline bosses or waves because your guys are tired to do them over and over, same deal with low lvl contracts...? easier to ask an high lvl to one shot them than trying by yourself huh ?
So sorry but : i am agree that we are already wasting our time playing that shity game, but it seems you guys love when it's faster. (you can also calling me hater, idc ^^)
I found a good way to stop invites ect carry none light giving armor put it on b4 going 2 tower lol
hahahahahahahahahahaha - i do the same sometimes
Lol works tho dont it no random invites i wouldnt mind but 2 many bad mouth armchair genrals out there that 4get you help them by choice not demand :s
lmao armchair generals - as soon as i read that I remembered my last experience with one - hahaha he tried to get 3 of us to do a strike and i was gonna help them just to help but he started trying to pick apart my play style - even told me that the gun I was using was stupid and useless and i have to change it or he wouldnt help with that part - he actually took the time to look through my gear, see the stats that "he would never use" (one of them was the agility stat which i like to use on my scout rifle) - i told him to go F*CK himself and me n the other random he picked up left - lol this is my char and i bought this game - ill use whatever -blamming- weapon i want
Had 1 otherday just did raid with my normal team was ill at the time 2 next thing getting demanded 2 do this other raid from sum muppet added few days b4 so went and invited a m8 since he needed it b4 reset 1st thing noticed is what the random internet warrior attitude but stayed told me to push boss so went 2 then got abuse coz wernt were he demanded i be then ends up saying 2 me play it proply or leave so though ok see ya n left lol then had message that aint a team player ect next day another asking why im being a d..k lol shame realy love helping people now ive turned antisocial lol