True they don't, but your death from above works in conjunction with either of the other two abilities you'd have give up for them like Aftershocks. Plus Headstrong gives a passive agility boost.
Edited by LukeWarmSoup: 10/21/2014 9:21:58 AMAgility is super meh. Sure the double ult modifier is cool and all but the Titan have one of if not the worst super anyways so it's blehhhhhhh.
You've obviously never used your helm of inmost light to fly in from fukkin space and wreck a whole team and the bladedancer down the street before.
Don't like axion bolt? Roll sunsinger double stickies and you have two guaranteed kills every time you die.
Assuming the stick. I've seen a lot of people just shrug them off lately. Like I said, it's not that it isn't good or I can't get kills. It's the lack of variety. All of the exotic gear that's worthwhile for Warlocks amounts to "How do I want my grenades to behave"
Ahhhhhhhh see THERE is an argument I can respect. Yea I mean even though Warlocks have the best grenades that is bs, when the new exotics are released I'm sure you guys will have more variety
Here's hoping.. but the dlc better come with more variety in general. I'm sick to death of reskinned guns.
Reskinned guns, lack of shader availability, poopy ship models (slight variants of the same 6), sparrow reskins. so much laziness man. Yea, here's hoping...
Maybe we shouls send Bungie some copies of Borderlands. THAT'S how you implement randomly generated guns.
No I have but the fact still remains, axion bolt you can use much more frequently.